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I was awoken to the sound of yelling and banging.
"This was your fault! You are the sun summoner, you should have protected her!" I heard Zoya's familiar voice yell.
I tried to sit up but failed when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. That made everyone shut up and turn to me. Zoya, Alina, Genya, Ivan, and Fedyor were all looking at me worried. Genya was the first to move and ran over to my bed.
"Saints Aurora, lay back down, the healers could only do so much," she told me gently pushing me back down.
I let her considering I felt like my ribs were on fire.
"What happened?" I asked.
Everyone looked at me sadly and before anyone else spoke Alina did.
"We were attacked, and you were badly injured, I should have protected you Aurora but I failed."
She looked down at the floor. That's when everything started coming back to me.
They were back, they knew I was alive, I could feel my breathing get heavier and my heart start to speed up. All the memories, every touch, every word, every second, every bruise, and every time I was violated. I was 6, I was 8, I was 10, I was 15, then I was 18. I could still feel their hands, rough, calloused, dirty.
Dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, , dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty,dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty-
"Aurora." A sudden voice rang out from the darkness. It was Genya and Zoya.
"Aurora darling breathe, listen to my heartbeat." Genya soft voice rang out.
I felt warms hand wrap around my body, but they belonged to someone else. He was here, he came.
"Everyone out." His voice rang out in the chaos.
Everyone left instantly knowing he wasn't asking he was ordering.
"They know Aleksander, they know I'm alive, they-"
"Shh, I know, I know, but what was the first thing I told you when we met?"
"That I would be safe," I sniffled out.
"Good, and I intend to keep that promise, anyone who has a thought of bringing you harm will go through me first."
He held me like that until I had run out of tears to cry, until my eyes were red and puffy.
"Can I go see the girls?"
"I'll take you to them, and remember my dear the winter fete is coming up so Genya will fit you for a dress."

"Zoya please calm down, Alina still doesn't know how to use her powers," I told a fuming Zoya.
"She is the sun summoner and a soldier she should be able to ward off attackers!"
When Aleks dropped me off in Genya room Zoya had been in there with Genya and the room was a mess. Papers everywhere, and the room looked like a tornado had went off. I knew this had been Zoya's doing because Genya always keeps her room neat.
"Look up for me darling," Genya told me lifting my face up.
She was making my face look less red and puffy. Anytime Genya used her abilities on me it felt like nothing.
"Zoya, I am just as capable of protecting myself as Alina is." I told her attempting to calm her down.
"But you shouldn't have to, I promised you."
"Zoya that's not fair to Alina,"
She went quiet but mumbled something under her breath.
"Anyways, Aurora lets go you have a dress fitting to get to, off we go." Genya said taking my hand pulling me out of the room.

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