xvi. angelic.

428 24 53

athena's pov.

❝ 🕰️💸🍸🍨🕊️ ❞

WHEN I get to school on Monday, I'm determined to stay away from Brady. I have Cleo and Kiara meet me at a different spot than usual so that he can't find me as easily.

"Hey," Cleo says softly. "How've you been?"

I shrug. "Fine."

I'd been shutting everyone out for the past two days because of what had happened. I understand he thought he didn't have a choice, but he used me. He used my feelings to his advantage for money that he didn't even need. My trust was betrayed so badly the only person I would speak to was Jack.

Yet for some reason when I saw Jack hurting Brady, I felt as if I was being hurt, too. He wrecked me, but I don't want him injured. I see him across the hall, and he's got a major black eye, and I can tell by the way he winces as he sits that he's got a few others as well.

"Fuck, he saw me." I mutter to Cleo, who sends Brady a glare.

"Don't worry, I don't think he'll come over. Connor's on his ass twenty-four seven about you." Cleo tells me.

"Are they good again?" I ask, and Cleo shakes her head.

"No, but I think Connor's trying really hard to not help him win you back." Cleo says honestly. "He's still mad, but Brady seems to be sorta struggling."

My face softens as I look back at Brady. "Maybe I should just go talk to him... he has a black eye."

"Nope. Absolutely not. You're not folding this quickly. Don't you remember what he did?" Kiara asks, and I nod.

"Well... yeah, but even Jack said Alyssa probably twisted with him and found some way to make him do it to me." I mumble, "I feel awful that he's hurt, I wanna make sure he's okay."

"Well you can make sure through me. I'll go speak to Connor and see." Cleo decides. "Unless Kiara wants to go instead?"

Kiara's face heats up. "No. Well— yeah— no! I can't."

I laugh softly at her reaction, and Cleo nods before heading in the direction of the twins. Cleo speaks to Connor for a moment before turning to look at brady, when she seems to get a little more sarcastic than before.

Brady just nods as she speaks, saying only a few words in reply to her. She nods once, then struts back over to Kiara and I.

"Well?" I ask, curious about what happened.

"Well I figured out that he's doing something with those headphones he bought on Saturday. I'm not sure what, though. And he's once again claimed he'll do anything to get you back." Cleo tells me. "Honestly, I admire his determination. He was quite literally going to quit teenage mutant ninja turtles. That takes guts."

I frown at the memory. I felt awful that he was gonna lose money because of me. Why do I feel bad? I sobbed for an entire day because of him, and then my brother beat him up, and then I sobbed more.

"Athena?" I hear in a soft tone behind me, and I use all of my control to not visibly wince at the sound of his voice.

"What?" I sigh, sort of uninterested in what he has to say.

𝗡𝗢𝗕𝗢𝗗𝗬 𝗚𝗘𝗧𝗦 𝗠𝗘 (B.N) ¹Where stories live. Discover now