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*Kaylin's POV*

Let me tell you a few things I've learned about Troy McCarthy over the past 3 weeks.

He's a very generous person. Not just with me, but with everyone. He and Lachlin really do the 'put everyone who walks in here on one bill and we'll pay when we leave.' Thing every time they walk in to a small business. He sends money to his Aunt and Uncle every month, and in the past 5 years, he has been putting money in to a college fund for his little cousin Charlie. His schooling is all paid for.

He loves kids. All this week after I'm done skating for a while, I have been staying afterward just so he, Sam, Q, and Lachlin can play with him. Some of the guys on the Flyers have kids, and he loves spending time with them when they come to games.

He has got my Fredricks order down to a t, he knows exactly what kind of redbull I drink, he's not very active on social media, but has been watching my tik toks, he's got a very good memory.

And I really, really like him.

It feels so weird saying that.

Don't get me wrong.

I've liked guys since Nolan.

Mav, Brayden.

But Troy?

It's different.

With Mav and Brayden, I always knew what it was.

But Troy? Troy fucking McCarthy?

I have never been with someone as mature as Troy. Or with their shit together. I've been treated good in the past, but this man really does treat me like gold.

He surprises me with my favorite treats, he checks up on me through out the day, and since I gave him the go ahead to snap me, I haven't woken up without a good morning since.

I feel...


Here I am, sitting on the floor of my studio, music blaring in my own thoughts when the music cuts out and my door opens.

I turned around and smiled. "Well hello Mr. McCarthy."

"Hi." He let out a small laugh and looked around. "This isn't dancing." He shook his head.

I laughed. "No. I finished. Just wasn't ready to leave yet, so I am doing school work."

"Well, I brought you this." He sang and pulled a Prime out of his back pocket.

"And for that, you may sit." I smiled.

He sat down, opened my bottle and handed it to me. "Now, what're you working on?"

I spun my laptop to face him. "I am doing finishing touches on my final. We spent the year completely designing the interior of a 4 bed, 2 bath home, full kitchen and living room, and a furnished basement. They gave us a concept for each room, and we had to design the room ourselves."

He started scrolling, moving my screen around, and nodded. "So they just threw you right in huh?" He smiled.

"Mhm." I nodded. "And all while staying with in the budget set."

"This is really good kid." He looked at me. "You actually look really happy with it."

"I am." I smiled. "And, now that I am taking a break from that, I am going to get my hair done before you come over."

"Ah, yes. Is there anything you need me to bring? Anything for dinner? Drinks?"

"No. Dinner has been cooking since 10:30."

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