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*Troy's POV*

You know what doesn't make sense to me?

It's a Friday night, the first Friday night in months that I've decided to go to bed at a decent time to unwind before a busy weekend of being at Ella's beckon call because Sam has to travel this weekend for a few podcasts, and she can't miss work.

I was in bed by 9. Happily tucked in with Milo watching dumb ass adult swim shows, passed out by at least 10, and I am waking up to see 11:45 on my alarm clock and my phone vibrating my entire bed from my night stand.

But the irritation instantly went away when I saw Kaylin's facetime coming across the screen.

I sat up, turned my nightstand lamp on, and answered. "Hey." I wiped my face.

"Were you sleeping?" She whispered.

"Yeah, but it's ok. Whats up? Are you alright?"

It looked like she was sitting on her couch, literally with a blanket over her head, and she looked uncomfortable as hell.

"My apartment echoes." She whispered.

I sighed, grabbed a shirt, and pulled it on. "Your apartment echoes?"

She nodded. "Axel and Maddox left for vacation with his family this morning, and I thought I would be fine because I'm literally flying home tomorrow, but I've never spent the night in the apartment alone, and it echoes."

"You're alone?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Mhm." She cleared her throat.

"Well do you want me to come over, or you come over here? I mean, Lach, Cody and Leon are here, but you can still come over."

"No." She shook her head. "No I just wanted to talk. I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Ok, first of all, don't apologize for needing me. You clearly needed me. Two, do you not want to be in your apartment tonight?"

She took a deep breath. "It doesn't feel right without Axel here. Even when he doesn't have Mads he's always here at night."

"Ok, so pack a bag for tomorrow and come over."

"I uh. Kind of have a confession." She scrunched her face.

"Oh boy."

"I'm uh, night blind. I can't drive at night even with my glasses."

"Ok, so I'll send you and ube-"

"Troy you can't keep doing that." She shook her head.

"Then I'm getting out of bed and I will be there in 20 minutes. I'm going to come up and check your apartment by the way so be ready."


"Look either way you want to argue this results in you being in my bed within the next hour, you can either let me send you and uber, or I'm coming to get you. Regardless, you're not spending the rest of your night alone. So pick one." I rolled out of bed and slid shorts on.

"Excuse me?" She raised her eyebrows.

"You're excused. But I didn't stutter kid." I shook my head. "I'm dressed, I am grabbing my keys, and I'll be right over."

She pursed her lips. "20 minutes then?"

"20 minutes." I nodded. "I'll see you soon baby." I hung up.

I tossed my wallet in to my pocket and headed down stairs to Lach, Cody and Leon sitting around our table, mid poker, half ass drunk.

"Thought you were sleeping?" Cody laughed.

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