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Donghyuck had just finished his night class when he immediately felt weak, tired and hungry. He could only think of one thing to make them disappear immediately, a very long and deep sleep that no one would disturb him. He hasn't been able to sleep since he left the convenience store where he worked and immediately ran to his class because he didn't want to be late.

Donghyuck is not that good at sports but he is perfect in his academics and this is what he focuses on. He is quiet but good in class. This is Donghyuck's character that his Professors admire and especially the students at school, in other words, they idolize him.

Donghyuck was minding his own business when someone suddenly grabbed his shoulder and this is the reason why he stopped walking to look back at whoever it was. He just smiled at the person he saw and raised his two eyebrows to greet him and went back to walking again. Don't get him wrong, he's always smiling and he doesn't seem to run out of energy but let's also consider that he has to smile for eight hours to people he doesn't even know, but now it seems like he has to hold back his smiles because his lips are dry and tired.

"My best friend is cold. What character are you now? Nonchalant type?", Jaemin, his best friend, said jokingly. They have been friends since their parents made them. (A/N: Sorry. LOL.)

Donghyuck just laughed quietly at his friend's joke. The two just continued walking and neither of them wanted to talk and Donghyuck was too tired to think of something to tell. Jaemin felt this and broke the silence that surrounded them.

"Donghyuk." he called to him, to which the latter just hummed as a response but did not turn to his friend to look at him. Jaemin is not insulted or whatever by his friend's behavior Jaemin is not insulted or anything by his friend's behavior because he is used to it and he understands that he is too tired to answer or even turn around.

"I know you're bad when it comes to remembering people's looks or names, but you know that guy from your class, Jeno Lee?", he nodded and knew where this conversation was going so he didn't waste time to remind his friend of the said man. Donghyuck literally knows Jaemin, when he meets or love a man, he will give all his love and run to him to seek comfort when the person he loves cheats or disappoints him.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw his friend smiling like crazy, like a girl who had just finished her debut.

"He talked to me and confessed his feelings to me. I promise Hyuck, I don't want to believe it because I've heard it so many times but Hyuck....", Jaemin stopped telling the story and even though Donghyuck already knew the next lines that his friend would say, he was still nervous.

"I think he is different from those I have met. There is something different in his smile, not the smile of the people who cheated on me but Hyuck, I think this is it. I think I found him, finally." The two stopped walking to wait for a taxi and Donghyuck closed his eyes as he faced his friend's sky-high smile. He really is happy with the confession that took place and he gave up thinking about what he wanted to say to his friend.

He looked up at the starry sky and listened to the cars honking, the people talking around and the cool breeze. He let out a deep breath and stopped himself from uttering a word that he knew his friend would not listen to.

"I want to tell you and remind you of the decisions you will make because I don't want to see you crying just because of people who want to hurt your feelings and you know me, Jaemin, if I'm given the chance, I want to hurt them too for hurting you but I can't do that because you loved them and I understand that. You're like a brother to me Jaemin, I hope you remember that." He stopped talking and even though he didn't look at his friend, he knew that his tears were about to fall.

"I know you had a big argument with yourself before you told me that because you knew I would show a violent reaction and to think that you brought this topic, let's say I feel proud. I want you to be happy since we will graduate from college in a few weeks. I want to see you be happy at our graduation. I want you to graduate with the person you love and I'm just imagining your happy faces, I think I'll be satisfied. So whatever you decide, I will support you because I know that's what will make you happy." Not wanting Donghyuck to see him being emotional, Jaemin rested his head on his friend's shoulder. Donghyuck gently stroked his friend's back to make him stop crying.

"You know, because you give advice so deeply, sometimes I keep thinking that you might be the same age as my grandfather." Jaemin complained while his voice was still hoarse from crying.

Donghyuck laughed out loud as he shrugged his shoulders because of his friend's joke and lightly tapped his forehead. He put his two hands on his hooded jacket and smiled. Jaemin saw this and also smiled because of his friend's relaxed smile and face.

"I'm hungry. Let's eat before we part ways. I'll treat you", Jaemin said with a smile and Donghyuck thought about what his friend said and nodded while smiling.

"Tell me how you and your boyfriend met", Donghyuck smiled teasingly at his friend and his eyes widened.

"I-he's not my b-boyfriend no. I-I mean, not yet but.... Yes, not yet." Donghyuck squinted his eyes at his stammering friend and nodded and pretended to believe it.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night then." Teasing him again, he saw that his friend's face was a blushing mess and seeing him like that being in love, makes him feel somewhat happy.

"How about you though? Don't you have a special someone right now or at least a fling?", Jaemin changed the conversation while fanning himself with his hands because of Donghyuck's teasing. The latter casually shook his head and looked at the bibimbap that Jaemin ordered for him and his friend can't believe it.

"Why? Why?", the friend asked in disbelief. Donghyuck raised a brow at his friend's question and gave him a 'what do you mean why?' look. Donghyuck quickly tilted his head.

"Just don't feel like it, Jae." He gave his friend and answer before eating a mouthful of bibimbap and God knows how he longed for that taste. What Jaemin ordered for himself was already in front of him but he didn't want to eat it because he wanted to know what Donghyuck's reason for not having a special someone.

What are you saying 'Just don't feel like it'? It can't be like that, Hyuck. Oh, right! Jeno said he has a friend that's single and actually, they also want him to be in a relationship and I thought about you. Would you like me to introduce you?" It's not that Jaemin is desperate or wants to give Donghyuck away, but he just wants his friend to be happy while they haven't thought too much about their future.

Donghyuck stopped eating and looked at his friend who seemed to be worried for him. He smiled.

"Thanks Jae, really. But I want to put myself and my future first before that." Donghyuck gently ruffled Jaemin's hair and went back to eating. Jaemin still wants to talk but he also respects his friend's decision and will just wait if Donghyuck wants to enter into a relationship.

Dang! I'm really proud of myself that I even finished writing the whole chapter. Good job self *pat pat pat* 🥹

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