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In shadows deep, where sorrows dwell,
Lies the tale of Mark, a soul unwell.
In life's cruel dance, fate's bitter sting,
Mark's tragedy begins to sing.

A youth once filled with dreams untold,
His spirit bright, his heart, bold.
But life's cruel hand, it dealt its blow,
And Mark's once hopeful eyes turned low.

He loved a maiden fair and true,
With eyes like stars and laughter, too.
But fate's cruel twist, it tore them apart,
Leaving Mark with a shattered heart.

Alone he wandered, lost in despair,
His dreams shattered beyond repair.
With each passing day, his hope grew thin,
As darkness crept and loneliness within.

In shadows deep, he found his home,
A place where grief and sorrow roam.
His laughter faded, his smile long gone,
As he bore the burden, he carried on.

But tragedy, it knows no end,
As fate continued to portend.
Illness struck, with merciless hand,
And Mark's frail body could not withstand.

In sickness' grip, he lay so still,
His spirit fading against its will.
With every breath, a battle fought,
But alas, his strength, it came to naught.

His loved ones gathered, tears in their eyes,
As they whispered their final goodbyes.
Mark's journey ended, his pain now gone,
But his memory forever will live on.

In the hearts of those who knew his grace,
His laughter, his love, his gentle embrace.
Though tragedy claimed him in the end,
His spirit soars, forever to transcend.

So let us remember, in sorrow's embrace,
The tragedy of Mark, his final grace.
For in life's cruel dance, we all must play,
But in love and remembrance, we find our way.

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