Broken Trust

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In the depths of Mark's soul, a darkness dwells,
A shadow of doubt, where loneliness swells,
For once betrayed, by those he held dear,
He closed his heart, to keep the fear.

His trust, once freely given, now withdrawn,
As if his faith had been mere pawn,
In the game of life, where deceit reigns supreme,
Mark built walls, a fortress, to redeem.

For it was not only love that led to his fall,
But betrayal's sting, from family, one and all,
His cousin's deceit, his first love's demise,
Left Mark wary, with guarded eyes.

He watched as those he loved, turned away,
Their words like daggers, cutting the fray,
Each promise broken, each bond undone,
Mark's trust shattered, no longer spun.

He saw the masks they wore, their hidden faces,
Their smiles deceitful, in hidden places,
And though they claimed kinship, blood ties so strong,
Mark knew better than to belong.

For family, too, could wield betrayal's blade,
Leaving Mark wounded, his trust betrayed,
And so he walked alone, with no one to confide,
His heart locked tight, his feelings denied.

But in his solitude, a truth did dawn,
That trust, once broken, could never be drawn,
Back from the depths of betrayal's dark,
Leaving Mark adrift, with no embark.

And so he vowed, with solemn resolve,
To keep his heart guarded, his trust unsolved,
For in a world so cruel, where betrayal reigns,
Mark knew that trust, only leads to pains.

Yet deep within, a longing stirred,
For connection, for love, a whispered word,
But Mark remained steadfast, in his resolve,
To keep his heart guarded, his fears absolve.

For though he longed for love, for kinship true,
He knew that trust, could only ensue,
From those who proved worthy, through deeds not words,
To earn Mark's trust, like song of birds.

And so he wandered, through life's cruel domain,
A solitary figure, in a world of pain,
But in his heart, a flicker still burned,
A yearning for trust, yet to be earned.

For in the end, though trust may wane,
It's the hope that lingers, like gentle rain,
That one day, someone will prove true,
And earn Mark's trust, anew.

So let us remember, in the tale of Mark's strife,
The wounds of betrayal, the scars of life,
For in his story, we may find,
A reflection of trust, both lost and kind.

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