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In the quiet whispers of Mark's solemn vow,
Echoes the truth that he holds now,
"All things," he says, "have their counterpart,
A dance of opposites, a delicate art."

From the dawn's first light to the dusk's embrace,
Mark sees the balance, the eternal race,
For every joy, there lies a sorrow,
A truth that he knows, he'll borrow.

In the realm of love, where hearts entwine,
There lies the shadow of pain, a bitter wine,
For every kiss shared, every embrace tight,
There exists the fear of separation, the endless night.

In the depths of courage, where heroes stand tall,
There lies the specter of fear, a daunting wall,
For every act of bravery, every fearless deed,
There exists the shadow of doubt, the broken creed.

In the beauty of nature, where wonders unfurl,
There lies the threat of destruction, a tempest swirl,
For every bloom in spring, every tree that stands tall,
There exists the ravage of storm, the autumnal fall.

In the pursuit of knowledge, where wisdom is sought,
There lies the darkness of ignorance, a tangled knot,
For every truth revealed, every insight bright,
There exists the shadow of falsehood, the veiled light.

In the warmth of friendship, where bonds are formed,
There lies the pain of betrayal, a heart stormed,
For every laugh shared, every secret kept,
There exists the sting of deceit, the bond inept.

In the moments of joy, where laughter resounds,
There lies the echo of sadness, where silence surrounds,
For every smile worn, every joyous song,
There exists the shadow of sorrow, the night long.

In the fabric of life, where opposites dance,
Mark sees the truth, in its infinite expanse,
For every positive, there exists a negative space,
A reminder of life's balance, its eternal embrace.

So let us heed Mark's solemn decree,
And embrace the truth, in its harmony,
For in the dance of opposites, we'll find,
A reflection of life, both gentle and kind.

Poems of MarkWhere stories live. Discover now