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In the quiet corners of Mark's world,
A web of deceit and lies unfurled,
For in the heart of family's embrace,
Lay betrayal's bitter, cruel face.

His cousin, once trusted, now a foe,
A viper's tongue, a venom's flow,
Set him up with cunning disguise,
And Mark, unsuspecting, met demise.

It started with a whisper, soft and low,
A promise of friendship, a hidden blow,
As his cousin weaved a tangled thread,
Leading Mark to where darkness tread.

With honeyed words and false embrace,
His cousin lured him to a treacherous place,
Where shadows lurked and danger crept,
And Mark, unknowing, walked, and stepped.

In the trap, he found himself ensnared,
By the one he trusted, who had dared,
To turn against him, for reasons unknown,
Leaving Mark abandoned, and alone.

As the truth unfolded, like a bitter tale,
Mark's heart grew heavy, his spirit frail,
For the cousin he loved, had betrayed his trust,
Leaving him broken, in the dust.

With wounds deep and scars unseen,
Mark struggled to grasp what it all did mean,
Why his cousin, once so close and dear,
Had turned against him, with deceit so clear.

But in the darkness, a flicker glowed,
A spark of hope, a truth untold,
For amidst the chaos, he found his strength,
Rising from the ashes, at any length.

With resilience as his guiding light,
Mark forged ahead, through the darkest night,
Though his cousin's betrayal left him scarred,
He found solace in the journey, onward, unbarred.

For in the heart of adversity's call,
Mark found the courage to stand tall,
To rise above the deceit and lies,
And reclaim the truth, that never dies.

Though his cousin's betrayal cut him deep,
Mark's spirit soared, his resolve to keep,
For in the end, it was not the deceit,
That defined him, but the strength to defeat.

So let us remember, in the tale of Mark,
The cousin's betrayal, the shadows dark,
For in his struggle, we may find,
A testament to the resilience of the human kind.

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