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"You have to reach the end of the school parking lot, there you will find the truck with the gear inside. Without the gear on, you will die. The shooters are in position. Now run!" Some idiot with shades and a baseball bat yelled at me.

Whoever he was, seemed sure of himself. What about them, weren't they coming along as well? I didn't even question him, I ran towards the truck as if satan himself was chasing me. Immediately the bullets started to rain. I made it to the truck and swung the door open, panting like crazy.

Inside I found two dead bodies with weapons. I pushed them to the edge and shut the door, sliding on the gear. I glanced around for the group I was with and saw them all laying lifeless on the wet parking lot. I snapped my eyes away from them and placed my right hand on my heart, mumbling a farewell. I found the keys in the ignition and turned on the truck.

I heard movement from beside me and raised my gun at the bodies. They raised their arms in the air while blinking at me. It took everything in me to stay inside the truck.

"It's okay, we're here to help you escape..." The one closest to me explained and I lowered my gun. I believed them.


"What's that sound?" I asked them while driving on the empty road.


"There it goes again." I said.

"We don't hear anything." The guys told me and I frowned.






Whatever that sound was, needed to stop. I could also faintly hear typing and I groaned softly. Whoever was typing was going to get that alarm shoved so far up their-

"Marcia." Someone shook me, and I noticed the typing had finally stopped but the damn beeping continued.

I groaned again and opened one eye slowly. Ashton was hovering over me with a look of distress on his face. His eyes looked tired and his hair was completely messy, yet not in the attractive type of way.

"You look like crap." I whispered and he chuckled.

"Wait till you see what you look like." He mumbled and I narrowed my eyes at him.

I didn't recognize the room and instantly concluded I was in a hospital. The annoying machine that was obviously announcing to everyone about my heartbeat and the headache giving smell of bleach along with the hint of lemon, were dead give aways. Instead of asking the most obvious question of "where am I?", I went straight to the point.

"When can I leave?" I asked Ashton while sitting up. He didn't reply and scooted closer to me.

There was a strange feeling on my lower abdomen and all I wanted to do was touch myself over that certain spot. I lowered the multiple blankets but Ashton stopped my hand.

"I don't think you would like to see what's under that. You woke up yesterday, noticed your stitching and went completely mental. You attacked me along with the doctor and kicked Landon on the eye when he tried to touch you. You were sedated and been asleep ever since." Ashton told me while taking a hold of both my hands.

His Chosen Bride (Perilous Series)Where stories live. Discover now