Bitter Reunion

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Andreas on the side, sorry if there are any mistakes!


I stared out the window angrily. My tears were gathering in my eyes while I looked towards my father's figure. He was standing by the door with a stupid grin on his face. He didn't look like the same man that had left ten years prior. He looked skinny and frail, his hair short and thin. The life had seriously been sucked out of him.

Was I bitter? Of course. After the first two months he stopped calling. He would send the occasional gift on my birthday but it wasn't the same. I snapped my eyes towards Andreas. He had grown quite a lot and his eyes weren't as bright as they used to be. He had a bitter expression on his face even though he was holding back a smile. He had many scars littering all over his face and arms. The man standing there wasn't my older brother.

The question still lingers. Why did they have to leave and cut off all connections? If they were trying to keep me away from ever meeting Ashton, why not just hide me away since the beginning and save me from the heartache.

"Marcia, they've been waiting five hours to see you. I think you should go out there." Ashton whispered, I could see his eyes expressing something completely different.

I closed my eyes and pulled my hand from his hold. "And I've been waiting ten years..." I trailed off wiping my eyes.

"Marcia..." He trailed off trying to reach for me but I pulled my hand away.

"I just want to say hello and after that I want to lay down, maybe sleep for a while." I whispered while drying my tears.

"Alright, but don't forget to take your medicine." Ashton complied and quickly opened the driver door. He immediately shut it and walked around towards my door. He helped me down from his truck and helped me slowly walk towards my parents.

My mother was waiting with a huge grin. I glared at her, remembering she left me behind when I needed her the most. Her grin immediately fell and a frown quickly replaced it.

"Marcia, my sweetheart." My dad greeted me while my mother rushed towards me, pulling me in a tight hug before he could continue.

I pushed her away as soon as her body made contact with me. I held back a sharp cry while my eyes watered. Ashton quickly faced me with a concerned face.

I wanted to double over from the pain but I knew that would hurt me more. I took sharp breaths and tried to think of anything else but the throbbing.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot about your accident." My mother tried to explain but everyone around us including myself, stared at her with a dumbfounded expression.

"Why?" I mumbled slowly at no one in particular after the long awkward pause.

"Why what, sweetheart?" My father asked with a clueless expression.

"Why did all of you have to leave me when I needed you the most? Do you know how hard it was not having you around? I grew up watching Michael be supported by my aunt and uncle... My friends spend the holidays with their parents and family while I spent countless birthdays without even my mother by my side. Do you know how I celebrated my fourteenth birthday?" I asked my dad with all the pent up anger I had in my tiny body.

"How?" Andreas asked me with a frown directing a glare at my mother.

"I spent it in a lonely house that only had a couch and an empty fridge. I celebrated with water and a piece of bread Michael stole from his house." I pointed at my mother and continued. "She got rid of everything in the house because it reminded her of you two. She trashed and gave away everything that we owned and later blamed me for everything. I spent years watching her go insane, spending all of her time in church praying for your well being, and asking god for you two to come back or at least call more often. When you two left I didn't just loose you, I lost her as well." I took a deep breath and pulled Ashton closer.

His Chosen Bride (Perilous Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora