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AN: ANY PHOTO OR GIF I POST IN THIS STORY HAS NO RELATION TO THE CHARACTERS WITHIN THIS PROJECT, JUST BEFORE ANY OF YOU ASK! I hope all of you read my a/n in the All Rights Reserved chapter but if you did not read it all, just a reminder, I am not posting ANY photo's of ANY characters in ANY of my books. I want each and every one of you to be able to visualize them within the physical traits I've written. Okay? Okay. You may proceed.


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"Well, don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear."

― Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

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{Chapter: 5}

Unedited  ✖

{ A S P E N M O N T G O M E R Y }

Never in my seventeen years of life did I ever see myself having dinner with a werewolf, and that it would be so awkward.

I've only been at the dinner table for twenty minutes and it's the most uncomfortable dinner I have ever had. He will not stop staring. I keep contemplating turning and snapping at him to take a picture but always stop myself. 

Edith and Julius seem oblivious to my discomfort, which is probably just as well. They continue chatting and laughing while they eat, Julius' booming howl standing out amongst Edith's small giggle as they converse with one another and our guest, who thankfully has enough decency to look away from me while he talks with my sister and Julius, but as soon as their conversation ends the staring continues.

I'm starting to think there is something on my face. Does he do this to everyone he has dinner with?

As minutes tick by I can't help but feel eager for this night to meet it's end. I'm not at all comfortable with the man sitting beside me, a mere three feet away from my chair. I keep a close eye on him from the corner of my eye, gauging his every move. I've barely eaten but I can't seem to find my appetite with his company beside me.

You can't say you blame me for being nervous and cautious. I've never, to my knowledge, been this close to a supernatural being and it's quite unnerving. The sizzling of electricity that shoots throughout my body every time he shifts in my direction makes me edgy, half my body wary and the other half intrigued by the feelings coursing through me.  

I pick at my asparagus, moving it across my plate with my fork as I try my hardest to ignore the piercing stare burning a hole in my temple. I can feel my temper begin to snap as the staring continues, never once wavering.  A trait both my sister and I share is our unconquerable temper that sometimes tends to fly through the roof--but that's only on bad days.

My sister and I, as much as I hate to admit, are more alike than meets the eye. Both of us are stubborn, bullheaded, unyielding, hotheaded, and have a knack for causing mayhem. Although You'd never expect Edith, the angel child, to have ever done anything wrong or rebellious, you'd be blown away by the highly clever pranks she's taught me throughout our siblinghood.

Rebellious it was.

And as the stare intensifies, so does my vexation; a burning sensation boiling deep inside me and causing whatever sort of patience I have left to burn to a crisp.

"Keep staring, I might do a trick." I finally bite out.

I only register what I've said two seconds too late. I can feel my face burn with embarrassment but I try my best to hide it. I look over at Edith and see she's too preoccupied with Julius to notice anything. I keep a strait face, avoiding eye contact.

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