Chapter 32: Forget Forever, Remember Everyday

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Chapter 32
Eros Dylan Donovan
Forget Forever, Remember Everyday

My hands are shaking as people continue to chatter with their cliques. I'm in Starbucks, where I'm supposed to meet Tiffany. I know that it will be a typhoon. Knowing Tiffany, she won't step down until she puts up a fight. She's a strong women. I remember when we were dating. A pervert guy tried to smack her ass. Tiffany did not let him. Instead, she broke her fingers and the pervert guy howled in pain. What's funny was, Tiffany was charged of violence. But Tiffany being Tiffany, she bitched and bitched until she got bailed out and told the policemen the pervert guy tried to rape her. She was just protecting herself. I was dumb back then. I thought she was the right girl for me, the right woman. But I was wrong. She just didn't care and left after she gave birth to Brad.

Moments later, I meet a pair of eyes that once lured me, that once made me weak. Tiffany's eyes. She's looking at me with a smile tugged on her lips. Her hair is in, as always, curvy and she's wearing a dress-skirt. She's old for it, but she can pull it. It's like she belongs in the teenager group.

"So," Tiffany says, smiling at me seductively. "Ready to be a family again?"

It almost saddens me that she's desperate for us to be a family again, when in the first place, we did not become a family at all. I shake my head, and her smile turns into a frown and her happy demeanor replaces with a bitter one. She grips her purse and her left eye twitches, indicating that in any second, she's going to burst. Tiffany's always like this. Whenever she doesn't get what she wants, her left eye would twitch. She regains her calmness and gives me an oh-so fake smile. That angers me. She can say what she wants to say. I don't want her to hide what she really feels.

"No," I state, taking a sip of my black coffee. I put it back on the table and contemplate if I should do this quick or not. I choose the former. Mike's probably waiting for me. Mike will be discharged in the hospital and he's going to come home.

Mike has already told me the talk she had with her mother, Mel. And to think Mel did a good job to earn back the house made me want to hug her. But Mike would be jealous. I just can't believe that the house is mine again.

"Tiffany," I say, sighing as I toy with straw of Starbucks. Who plays with straws? Me. "I don't want to have a family with you. And it's not necessary for you to put a word 'again' at the end of your sentence. We weren't a family back then, and we're not going to be a family today. Or in the future."

"Oh stop it, Erdy." She says, flicking her hair to the side as she bats her long lashes at me, her lips slightly pouting. "You love me, Erdy."

"It's so nice of you to compose it in a present tense," I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes at her. She glares at me and scoffs. "It should be in past tense."

"Erdy, you're just confused. You still want me," she persists, holding my hand and bringing it to her cheek. "I'm back, Erdy. I know you're mad at me for leaving you. But still, you love me. Erdy, we can pass through this stage. I still love you. We would make a good family. And perfect. Me, you, and Brad. Erdy, just think of it. We can still save what we had before."

"Tiffany, don't you get it?" I ask, my voice getting higher. Shaking my head, I contain my anger inside me, not wanting to burst in public. I don't want to be in the news. "I don't love you. What we had, leave it in the past. We're not going to be a family. We're already broken. Since you left us. I know I keep rubbing it on you. Believe, I have already forgiven you. But that's not enough - "

"Then tell me what to do so you can accept me again!" Tiffany shouts, slamming her fist against the table. People whip their heads into out direction. My black coffee has stumbled and it spilled all over the table. I stare at her in utter shock, not wanting to believe that the once naive girl has turned into a very different one.

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