Chapter 5 New People

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Chapter 5

 Madison P.O.V

The plane ride wasn't as bad as I expected. When I got off I quickly went to the bathroom to make sure I looked alright. After fixing my hair and makeup, I exited to the baggage claim, and patiently waited for my bag.

Looking around I noticed a sign with my name on it.

I walked over to the people with the sign and smiled "Hi I'm Madison".

"Hey I'm Paul, and that's Owen" he said, pointing to the person next to him.

Owen had dirty blonde hair and green eyes, while Paul had brown hair and sort of silver eyes.

"Ok wait here I'm going to get my bag" I played with my fingers.

"Alright" they grinned.

I quickly went back and wait to see my bag. After a moment I saw it and quickly grabbed it and headed back to the guys.

"Ok, I'm done" I sighed.

"Here let me carry that" Owen reached over his hand and I gave him the bag gratefully.

"Blake didn't tell us you were this hot" Paul winked.

"Um...thank you but I'm not even considered pretty at my pack" I muttered.

All the hateful things my pack did and said to me he's the first guy to compliment me in a long time besides Blake.

"Oh come on, your freaking gorgeous they must have been blind or something!!!" Owen exclaimed.

I felt my cheeks tint red and quickly looked down.

"Man look she's blushing" Owen grinned.

"That's adorable" Paul wrapped his arm around me.

These new guys are actually being nice to me. It was a nice change. We soon reached the car and I got into the back seat. Owen put my bag in the trunk and Paul got into the driver seat.

A little while after pushing the bag into the trunk Owen climbed in and we left the airport.

"They'll be so happy to see you" Paul spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"Who exactly?" I asked.

How would anyone there even know me?

"Your cousin Ian and your sister Yasmin" Owen answered.

"I have no sister" I furrowed my eyebrows.

At least none I know of. No! I don't have a sister. Why would they say that? Yeah I can believe the cousin thing because, well I knew I had cousins out there I hadn't met yet.

"She'll explain when we get to the house, it's a long story" Paul sighed.

"Ok so how many of you live in the pack house?" I asked.

Hey I needed to know since it's my new home.

"31 of us now 32 since you came and some others live nearby" Owen answered.

"Ok" after that the ride was a little silent.


When we got to the house it was huge. I thought it would be big, but not this big. Heck it was probably bigger than my old pack house.

It was beautiful. Marble stairway, the front door was white and gigantic. Flowers were surrounding the pathway. I can't believe this is my new home it's huge.

Life full of rejection (Partially Edited) (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now