Reiji Namikawa

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[Author's Note: sorry for being late with publishing these next one shots. The last six days I was in my hometown, I had no internet connection to publish them after I was down writing and editing them. But now I'm back to my new home, I can publish whenever I'm done.
This was complete last week, but I had no internet access. I would've posted it on Thursday when I got home, but on Tuesday, I got injured, and where I am, there's no doctors for the injury I have, so I have to go down south to Alberta, Canada which is three flights away from my hometown. And I finally made it tonight, so the doctor will be doing surgery on me early in the morning.
I just thought I'd let you guys know. The other one shots would've been done, but this injury is causing me to type slower, and after surgery, I don't know when that'll be, but I'll continue after its done. I really am trying to write these, but bad things or just import things come up that cause me to slow down; I'm sorry.]

Tonight, there is a banquet for the head members of the Yotsuba Company and their families. Luckily for me, I happened to be Kyosuke Higuchi's younger sister. Actually, I happen to be his only living relative; so, I have no choice in attending the banquet or not. The banquet is being held to help the members get close or something similar? I forgot what Nii-san said, but it's something like that.
I put on a [Favourite Colour or Colours] dress that reached shortly past my knees. My hair had been [straightened/curled or whatever style you prefer]. Although, I decided not to use makeup.
Other than Nii-san, there are seven other men working for Yotsuba with their guests here at the banquet.
Every one of us introduce ourselves to the whole group one at a time before the banquet starts. Being me, it felt awkward, but I did my best not to show it.
Once we are all done, the head of Yotsuba's human resources section -Suguru Shimura- stands up and says, "Now that we all know who we are, we can now start the banquet. We hope you enjoy meals provided as they were cooked and baked by the best chef the company could find."
And with that, waiters with trays of all the plates for everyone's dinner comes in and gives us one plate each.
Quite interesting that they already have the meals prepared for us and having one waiter for each person at the banquet serving them. Then again, this is the Yotsuba Company we're talking about.

•Eighty-Nine Minutes Later•
Everyone had finished with their dinner along with their desserts about fifteen minutes after we all started. I feel quite full and satisfied. Now, we've basically just finished talking about ourselves.
We're now done, and everyone is getting ready to leave.
While waiting for Nii-san to finish in the washroom, who introduced himself as Reiji Namikawa.
"Good evening, [Y/N]. How was the banquet?" Reiji asks with a gorgeous smile.
Trying not to be awkward, I smile and answer, "It was pretty good; I loved the food."
Reiji smiles and says, "Your Nii-san should be back soon, but, do you mind giving me your phone number to complete the empty place my phone and my heart?"
That pick-up line makes me blush. I try to hold in the giggles, and it works.
I grin while answering, "Sure, just give me your phone."
Reiji grins and pulls out his phone and unlocks it to add my number.
I put my phone number in, then give Reiji his phone.
"Thank you; I'll call or text you sometime." said Reiji before leaving.
I look at my phone as I hear the notification ring tone.

Unknown Phone Number:

[Y/N], right? It's Reiji Namikawa.

I smile and reply:

Yes, its me. Don't worry, I wouldn't give a fake number to someone like you. ;)

As the text sent, Nii-san came back and asks, "[Y/N], I'm sorry if I took long. Who were you texting?"
I put my phone away and reply, "It's okay Nii-san, I didn't mind waiting. And it was my best friend. Ready to leave?" I answer then quickly change the subject. "Sure, let's go." Nii-san said as he led the way out.
As we got into Nii-san's sports car, I receive another text from Reiji Namikawa:

Do you want to go on a date in two nights?

I reply instantly as I got comfortable:


As Nii-san starts his car, he asks, "You seem to be attached to your phone tonight." I smile, "Just making plans with a few friends. Nothing special." With that, he believes me.
I can't believe such a gorgeous man asked me out on a date. Me out of all people. I hope it works out.

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