Mello: Harm From Optimal

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"Hey, Optimal, remember when you first got to Wammy's? That was something I'll always remember." Matt who was sitting beside me said looking up at me as he broke the silence between everyone in the room.
Mello and the Mafia members' attentions all went to me. I grin and say, "Oh yeah, that was pretty funny."
Mello smirks for a second then continues to eat his chocolate bar.
Neylon asks, "Wammy's?"
"It's the orphanage the three of us lived at," answered Matt.
Bid asks, "What happened when you moved there?"
"Optimal punched Mello and gave him a black eye that didn't go away until nine days later." Matt answered for me, smiling.
Rodd laughed as if it were a joke to him, "Tch, you let a girl punch you?"
Mello bluntly said, "Heh, after Wammy introduced her to everyone, she came over and started talking. It was easy to tell thay she wanted to be friends with me and Matt. So, I told her if she had the guts to punch one of us, she could hang out with us. And that's exactly what she did. I didn't expect her to actually do it because she's a girl."
I narrow my eyes at Mello due to his words and say, "Well, at least now you know I'm not a weak little girl and not to make me mad."
Mello smirks as he hears my words.
"She sure got into trouble from Wammy," Matt continues as he plays his PSP, "Wammy was going to force her to apologize, but Mello told him that it's fine and he told her to do it. After that, Wammy told all three of us not to hurt each other whether we tell them to or not."
Rodd smirked and laughed, "I guess that explains why you guys brought her along; Mello wants a tough girlfriend."
"Tch, that's not it. I just need to be sure Near is beaten and not being helped by Optimal." said Mello in an angrier tone.
I laugh at Mello and Rodd's conversation, "Sure, whatever you say. You know it wouldn't be very entertaining with just Matt being with you."
"Hey, are you saying I'm boring?" Matt asked without looking up from his PSP.
Without the need to even ask him, Mello answers, "Yeah, she's right; you're boring. You're always playing your video games."
Matt ignored us and continued playing his game.
I stood up and walked to Mello who looked up at me as I stopped right in front of him
I grinned deviously, "Admit it, you do want a strong girlfriend who can put up with your ruthless actions just to beat Near."
Mello glared at me. He stood up while yelling and moving forward, causing me to walk backwards, "Okay, once was enough! I'm not letting anymore passes for this subject! I want to beat Near, but I am not all ruthless! Don't say shit like that near me or ever again! Do you understand that!?"
By the end, I was forced back to the wall. Mello was looking down at me and standing right in front of me with our faces just inches apart. Mello's eyes were filled with anger, and he looked as if he wanted to punch something.
Realization hits, and I softly ask, "You just said you're not always ruthless... Is that why you never let me do anything fun or let me leave this building without Matt or you? Y-"
I was cut off as Mello forces his hand over my mouth and practically dragged me out of the room with him.
We went to his bedroom, and when he closed the door, he finally let go of me. I flexed my jaw to make the numbness go away. Before I'm able to speak, Mello tells me, "Alright, it's true; I care about you. I care about you enough to not want you to get into any situation with people that could end up hurting you or taking advantage of you; that's why I always want you with me or Matt whenever you go out. And we all know your definition of 'fun' is getting yourself into dangerous situations; you're a fucking adrenaline junkie. The stuff I've seen you do after we left Wammy's has made me worry about you from time to time even though I know you enjoy it. You could end up injured or even dead, and I don't want that to happen. I... I don't know how I'd cooperate without you around anymore."
I punched his upper arm and say, "Dude, you don't need to be so overprotective; you're not my mother. Ugh, the least you could do is let me come with you guys or do something that isn't so boring. And why do you care about me? You weren't like this when we first met at Wammy's."
Mello angrily sighs, "[Y/N], I'm trying to be sweet here. I'm doing it so I know you're always safe. And I will start letting you do more fun stuff, okay? Just nothing that can get you into any danger. And I care about you because over the years, I've grown to like you. I'm a demiromantic, so love at first sight is actually nothing to me; it takes a while for the feelings to develop."
Without knowing what else to say, I kiss Mello. As he kisses me back, his muscles relax and he leans against the door as we continue to kiss.
Mello wraps his arms around my waist and he stands up without interrupting our kiss. He switches us around, so now I'm leaning against the door. Mello lifts me up against the door. He forces his body against mine to keep me up here. His kisses travel to my neck and then to my upper chest. Mello sucks on my skin and continues going lower until he gets to my breast. He leaves one hickey there then finally puts me down.
After fixing my shirt, I wrap my arms around Mello and say, "I'm sorry Mello, I didn't know; I love you."
Mello's arms wrap around my waist and he lays his head on mine, "Now you know. I love you too."
We walk out of his room to the others and continue doing what we were doing earlier.
Confused, Bid says to us, "You two sure must have fought for a while."
I look at Mello and see a bruise where I punched him, and one noticeable hickey Mello left on my neck.
Without looking up, Matt whispers loud enough for me to hear, "Dumbass."

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