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[Author's Note: I'm so sorry this took long... my mental health has been pretty bad. But its getting better. I'll be fine, don't worry please?
Anyways, I thought about this while listening to Simple Plan and also while thinking of my man. Yes, I have a boyfriend, so the song and him inspired me to write this. (I know some readers will ask about my boyfriend after the first paragraph or two, so I'm just gonna answer it here; yes, the age difference between me and my man are that much.) I meant for this to be taken place around seven years after the Kira case has been solved. Sorry if L is out of character.]

"Together we broke all the rules,
Dreaming of dropping out of school
And leave this place to never come back.
So now, maybe after all these years,
If you miss me, have no fear.
I'll be here, I'll be waiting."
I sang along tiredly and quietly with a smile. Despite being a decade younger than L, I did not mind the song's lyrics. In fact, I was listening to this song and band long before I even knew who L was. I was young when I first heard Simple Plan. In fact, L is ten and a half years older than me.
You would think that being in love with somebody who is ten and a half years older than you is crazy. But for me, I still feel that it is a miracle; especially with L. If you didn't know me or L personally, you would think that I fell in love with L because I am a groupie or a gold digger. But if you didn't know L personally, you would think that L was one of those creeps that are only attracted to females for selfish desires or if he was hopeless with women his own age or he was only interested in younger women in general.
However, those are not the cases. Although, L did admit that he hadn't a girlfriend before me for nearly ten years. But in our case, it was I who fell in love with him first. Believe me, L was practically emotionless in terms of love before I started having feelings for him, so it definitely was not the fact that he... well, L. Or the fact that he was bad with women his own age. Although, I can say by experience with L that L is bad women in general. That could have also been because his job didn't allow him to date very often. But then we became friends. However, because L is passionate about his job, he hasn't overworked much as he used to.
After dating idiots and childish people who are around my age, I thought it was time for a change and date somebody who was intelligent, open-minded and creative. Another thing about L that is different about how our relationship began; L and I were friends for over five and a half years before our relationship started becoming romantic at all. Within that time, I realized how intelligent, creative, open-minded and caring L is compared to my ex-boyfriends. He also understands what it's like to go through depression and anxiety. Sure, I had one ex who understands anxiety and depression, but that was all that we understood of each other and had in common. Another was creativity, but not as creative as my L.
But L just was a combination of all those along with some bonuses. L also likes some of the same interests. Unlike an ex-boyfriend, L is true to himself and already liked some of the things I love.
If I had to say anything about the success between L and I's romantic relationship, I would have to say the fact that L and I were actually friends before dating. They say that sometimes what one may want to find is right under one's nose. Well, L was right in front of me. We barely had time to see each other due to his work and different schedules. Then there was me with school, my own work, and my own other friends.
I have to admit, L did look attractive when he was in his twenties; I would say that I simply liked his own unique style back then. However, a few years after L's biggest case -the Kira case- L's looks changed a little bit. He had actually cut his hair to a different, shorter style along with getting a little more sleep, which eventually helped with the bags around his eyes. L wasn't that attractive in my eyes at most times, but after the times we talked and hung out with each other, his intellect, his talent, his creativeness and open-mindedness made him attractive. He is so caring in general too. All of that was just enough for me to notice him. Honestly, just thinking about all those facts about L makes me feel so warm and happy; I feel like I fall in love with him all over again each time. I just cannot imagine life without my L. 'Hehe, he's my L...' I thought to myself as I remember him.
I smile as I subconsciously hold onto L tighter as we lied down, still in bed. Both of us had a day off today since, so even at 12pm, we were still in bed. My music had been quietly playing in the background at a low volume that was loud enough just for me to hear it. L's breathing changed, so I gently kissed his shoulder and neck area closest to me. By now, L was taking deep breathes, and eventually, he turned his side to face me with his eyes still closed. I smile as his hand went to my cheek and he brought his face towards mine to kiss me. His breath, very faintly tasted like the sweet sangria we drank last night. I smile into the kiss as I feel how happy L really makes me and know how lucky I am to be dating a man such as my L.
As the kiss ended, I smile harder as I opened my eyes. L slowly opened his eyes, still tired from our previous night. His lips curve into a smile as he focuses his vision on me. I wrap my arms around him, holding him tightly as I relaxed my nose with his. He led his lips down to gently touch mine. A smile forms as I kiss my man back, bringing our bodies closer with a lazy grip. As L lazily ended the session, I whisper, "I cannot describe how I am to have you as my significant other." L holds me with a slightly tighter grip, bringing our bodies too close. I wrap my upper leg around his legs. As soon as I do, L intertwines our legs together. He smiles, "I can say the same for you, Lady. I never thought I would ever date anybody else ever again."
A giggle comes out of me as I squeeze L, "Mi alma gemela." L scoffed with a smile as he knew the 'mine' thing was a thing between my baby brother, our family and I. The shirtless man pecked my forehead with a kiss before holding me. "Mio anima gemella," replied L.

[One last Author's Note before I end:
Those two sentences both say, "My soulmate." One in Spanish and the other in Italian.]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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