Chapter 12 - Jealous

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Chapter 12 - Jealous

As I threw my books into my locker I noticed the still present goosebumps on my arms that hadn't disappeared since I'd gotten that call in first period. It was now lunch time and I was still a bit scared and jumpy. I didn't tell anyone about the call, even though the man hadn't directly told me to keep quiet about it, I knew enough to know that it was implied. Alec and AJ came down the hall and fist bumped Christian who was leaning on the locker beside mine, waiting for me to put my stuff away.

"Hey, sorry I couldn't make it to the tracks yesterday." Alec said and Christian gave him an easy going smile.

"Nah, you're lucky you didn't come, Rage was there and he was stirring sh*t up like he always does." Christian said giving me a quick glance. Alec gave him a curious look and out of the corner of my eye I could see Christian shaking his head discretely before giving him a look that said he'd tell him later.

I grabbed some cash and slammed my locker door shut before turning to give Alec and AJ a hug. I'd gotten to know them both pretty well over the last week and I've grown very fond of them both. AJ is one of the most hilarious people I've ever met in my entire life and Alec is super sweet and a huge womanizer, except according to AJ (although you have to take everything he says with a grain of salt) Alec only goes for women over the age of thirty.

I had to stand on my tippy toes to wrap my arms around Alec's neck to give him a hug and all the guys laughed at my struggle.

"God, stop growing." I mumbled as I pulled away and looked up at his 6 foot 4 figure.

"It's not my fault your short." Alec replied with a laugh as he stuck his tongue out at me.

"I'm 5 foot 9! I'm tall for a girl." I said defending myself as I gave him a playful shove. I then proceeded to give AJ a hug who thought it'd be funny to squeeze my ass. I let out a startled squeal and slapped his shoulder as I pulled away.

"What the hell was that?" I asked both shocked and amused. I had to give him credit, the kid has guts.

"Whoops, I thought it was your back." He said mustering up the best serious face he could and then winking at me when he failed.

"Slate's going to murder you for touching his girl." Alec said throwing a smirk in AJ's direction.

"I'm not his girl." I said rolling my eyes as we all made our way to the school cafeteria, a place that—until now—I'd managed to avoid for the past two years of high school. I heard Christian mumble something that sounded like "I beg to differ" under his breath but I just pretended like I didn't hear him. Slate never texted or called me back, nor did he come back to school but Christian told me not to worry because he does it all the time.

We walked into the cafeteria and I paused to admire the large two floor room. I wasn't exaggerating when I said I'd never stepped foot into the school cafeteria before today. Christian gave me an amused look as he watched me admire the room before throwing an arm over my shoulder and leading me to the line of people who were waiting to buy food as Alec and AJ went to go find a table.

When we finally arrived at the counter I noticed that most of the food actually looked pretty decent and affordable, the complete opposite of how they describe it in the movies. Who knew? I grabbed a chicken wrap, an apple and a water bottle and noticed that Christian chose the same thing. When I went to pay for my food Christian stopped me and told me that he was going to pay. I tried to argue with him but he wasn't having it, so eventually I just gave in and said 'thank you', I had to admit, these guys may be bad boys but they definitely know how to charm a girl.

I couldn't help but notice all the curious eyes that followed us as we made our way to the table Alec and AJ were sitting at and I attempted to hide my face behind my waist length hair. If I hadn't noticed the small cocky smirk on Christian's face I would've thought he didn't even notice the attention because he sure made it look like he didn't.

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