Chapter 15 - Alcohol

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Chapter 15 - Alcohol

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since I got the text message that made my skin crawl, two weeks since I last saw Slate and two weeks since I've had a nightmare. I took a sip from the bottle of vodka that was hidden beneath my bed, hoping it would be enough to get me through the night.

Right before I exited my room I took one last look at myself in the full length mirror. My black hair was perfectly straightened so that it fell right to my waist. I wore a royal blue mesh panel mini dress. I had more makeup on then usual in order to hide the now faded bruise on my cheek but not enough for it to look unnatural. Overall I was happy with my outfit and makeup, what I'm not happy about is where my parents are forcing me to go tonight. One of my mothers "acquaintances" is turning 50 years old which means I'm being forced to attend a yacht party surrounded by snotty rich people. Yay.

"Willow, we're leaving!" My mother yelled from downstairs and I took a deep breath preparing myself for the evening ahead, before making my way downstairs.

"That's not the dress I laid out for you." She said looking me up an down with a disapproving look. I pulled on my favourite black heels before turning to her.

"Only virgins wear white, mother." I said sending her a smirk that I knew would piss her off. Before she had the chance to answer, my father walked into the room.

"Willow." He said giving me a stiff nod as he made his way past me and towards the front door. He was dressed in an expensive suit and his black hair was jelled back nicely.

"Oh we're on speaking terms now? I'm honoured." I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone. Yes, I was being a b*tch but they don't treat me with respect so they don't deserve it in return. My father didn't answer but I didn't miss the way his jaw was clenched as he walked out of the door and towards the limo waiting in our driveway. My mother followed him, and I followed a couple steps behind, dreading what was going to most definitely be an awkward car ride.


"Can I have a tequila shot?" I asked giving the bartender an innocent smile.

"Another one?" He asked giving me a sceptical look. I'd managed to flirt my way into getting the first two shots but the guy seemed to be growing guilty, my mother had forbidden him from serving me alcohol. Before I had the chance to answer my mother appeared at my side with a scowl, pulling me away from the bar and back towards the large table where everyone was sitting waiting to be served dessert.

I noticed a couple guys who were around my age were looking in my direction, and I held back a look of disgust as I realized a few of them had girlfriends sitting right next to them. One girl specifically seemed to notice her boyfriends gaze and she gave me the nastiest glare she could muster. I couldn't help but feel pity for her, she was clearly insecure if she was getting mad at me instead of her boyfriend. I sat down at the table and kept an impassive look on my face as I felt every single person sitting at the table judging me. I guess it was true that having a lot of money really does make people narcissistic. I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I would never become one of them and I intended to keep it.

"So Willow," The woman named Serena who's party it was said, drawing everyone's attention to me once again. "what school do you attend?" the fake smile she gave me did nothing to mask the sly look in her eyes telling me she already knew the answer to the question. I'd managed to stay unnoticed during the entrees and dinner but it seemed like my luck was coming to an end.

"South Sea Public School." I said returning a fake smile and I immediately felt the atmosphere in the room change. Apparently my mother did too because she immediately jumped in to save the day.

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