Chapter 22 - Bartender

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Chapter 22 - Bartender

I grabbed the bottles of Sour Puss®, Blue Curacao and 7-Up® from under the counter and started to make three Porn Star cocktails for the girls who looked barely over the age of sixteen. But hey, who was I to judge? I'd been going to bars and clubs long before I turned 18. 

When Jackson called me earlier today, I desperately wanted to confront him about the secrets he's keeping from me, but I knew that would be the wrong approach. If it's that important, he isn't going to budge which means I have to find another way to get it out of him. In the meanwhile, I'd convinced him to give me a job as the bartender at Nocturnal Night Club.

It was a spur of the moment decision and I couldn't exactly explain why I was so desperate to do it. I've been trying to convince myself it's because I'm an independent women who wants to make her own money and not depend on her daddy's credit card and although that's somewhat true there's something else that's been nagging me to do it and I can't quite place my finger on it just yet.

I placed the three purple drinks in front of the girls but they all seemed too distracted to notice. Their gazes were all locked on a man sitting not far down the bar from them. By their tinted pink cheeks and the small giggles escaping their mouths I could tell they obviously found the man very attractive. He was speaking on his cell phone with his face turned mostly away from me so I couldn't get a clear look at his face but his side profile did not disappoint. His dirty blonde hair, sharp jawline and nice build covered by a sharp black dress shirt told me his face was probably just as good looking as the rest of him.

He hung up the phone suddenly and everything about his body language told me that he was not happy about whatever the conversation had been about.

A random man waved me over pulling me out of my trance. He ordered a round of tequila shots and even as I was grabbing the bottle of alcohol off the shelf I couldn't help but let my gaze wander back over to the dirty blonde haired guy. Something about him made me incredibly curious. The fact that this one single man stood out in a club filled to the brim with people was undeniable. His presence held a certain air of power to it that seemed to attract everyones attention, including mine.

I couldn't suppress my curiosity any longer so I did what any sane person would do. I poured a glass of bourbon and made my way over to the mysterious guy. The sound of the glass hitting the counter made the man's head snap up from his phone.

When our eyes locked I felt my words get caught in my throat. Emerald green eyes stared back at me. EMERALD GREEN F*CKING EYES. Those same emotionless emerald green eyes that were the only thing visible under the creepy black mask. The emerald green eyes that were alight with enjoyment when they watched me tremble with fear as he held a gun to my head. The emerald green eyes that held no remorse when they watched me cry out in pain after being hit with the gun so hard that it almost knocked me out. The emerald green eyes that I had nightmares about.

"By the look of fear in those beautiful eyes of yours, I can only assume that you remember me." Green-eyes said with what could only be described as a sadistic smirk forming on his face. I felt like my entire body was shutting down as I stared into the psychopaths gorgeous and empty eyes. Dread was pooling into my veins and like wine it was a depressant. My heart wasn't racing in my chest like I would've expected, instead it was beating terrifyingly slow, almost as if it had already accepted the fact that I wasn't going to escape this situation. My entire body had frozen in place and it felt like everything around me had begun to move in slow motion. I let my gaze flicker around the room, searching for anyone who could help me but Jackson was nowhere to be found and the two creepy bouncers who had tried to feel me up the day I met Slate were the last people I wanted help from.

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