Chapter One

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The day I had been dreading had finally arrived, and the guys in Set It Off would be at my door in no more than twenty minutes. I was not looking forward to having to finally meet these guys, after two long months of watching their tweets, and going through horrible conversations of nothingness, I had learned nothing about them. I mean, I’d sit on Tumblr for hours just trying to relate to the fans that would express how wonderful the guys were, I never believed it.

                Cody was the worst; I hated him with every ounce of my being.  I couldn’t understand what was so great about him, he was just a guy. I mean, yeah he was good looking, but he was far from what any of those girls were making him out to be, I talked with him once or twice and he was such a huge dick to me.  Then there’s Maxx, I mean I could see myself maybe befriending him, but he was just so, no. I couldn’t, him and I were two different people.

                Austin was what was he? I mean, he was sort of what people were saying he was like, I mean he tried very hard to be nice to me, which is no easy task.  I’m a horrible bitch, which I know isn’t helping with how the other guys are treating me, but I didn’t really care. I could feel something, what was it? Oh, I know what it was, I bolted to the bathroom.

                I could feel every inch of my body coming up and into the toilet that sat in front of me. Once I was done, I let out a groan. I slowly stood up from the toilet, and looked myself over in my mirror. I sighed, why the fuck was I nervous? I mean, I hated the guys, and well I didn’t plan on having fun with them, and with every chance I got, I’d run off to see Sleeping With Sirens set. So why was I nervous? I heard the doorbell ring, and felt nauseous all over again. I quickly brushed my teeth, before going to answer the door.

                I turned the knob, and was face to chest with a rather tall guy, I stared at his chest, “You must be Austin?”

                “Yeah, I am.” He replied, “Do you have your bags packed?”

                “So, we’re going straight to business, so chit-chat?” I asked.

                He sighed, “No. Get your bags, let’s go.”

                I shalked away from him, and grabbed my bags. By the time I had turned around he was already gone, but Cody was in the door way now. I sighed, and throw a bag at him. He rolled his eyes at me, but walked away with my bag. I picked up my last bag and walked out the front door, locking it on the way out. I turned around to find a large bus like trailer, or was it considered a RV? Who knows, but there was this large black torpedo thing at my curb.

                Maxx stuck his head outside the thing, whatever it was and waved for me to hurry up or they’d leave without me. I ran over to the door and walked up into the trailer. They motioned to where I’d be putting my bags, and I went and did so.  I was happy to see they were decent enough to give me a bottom bunch, I mean last thing I wanted to have to do while on this stupid bus with them is have to crawl into a top bunk in my pajamas.

                “So, Clem.” I heard, I think Dan say, “Are you happy to be coming on tour with us?”

                I sighed, “Yeah, sure.”

                “You don’t sound too happy.” Cody added in.

                “That because she’s not.” Austin said, and laughed. “Can’t you tell that already?”

                I spun around way to quickly to even remember I was half in my bunk, and I bashed my head on the top of the bunk. I let out a groan and turn to give Austin a death glare. He started to laugh, so I frowned. I was starting to hate the idea of being stuck on this stupid bus for three months more. I felt Maxx’s hand on my back, and I turned to look at him.

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