Chapter Seven

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A few days has past, and there were only four dates left of the tour. I was getting upset as each day passed, but not because it was ending. I was upset that Austin still hadn’t asked me to Warped Prom, I felt like maybe I was wrong and he only said he liked me. I tried to brush that feeling off as much as possible. I didn’t want to be thinking the worst and then be wrong completely.

                I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I looked up to see Maxx standing in front of me. He pointed at the few shirts he needed and I handed them to him. I knew Maxx could tell I was worried. He grabbed my shoulder and smiled. I tried to return the favor be felt myself start to breath heavier. He sighs and told Andrew him and I would be right back. He made me stand up and we walked to the bandwagon.

                “What’s wrong?” he asked.

                The tears began to fall and I couldn’t stop them, “He’s not going to ask me is he?”

                “Is that all your worried about? If Austin asking you to the prom?” he said while laughing, and I raised my head confused. He took me into a big hug and rubbed my back until I calmed down, “He’s planning to ask you tomorrow.”

                I laughed, as I let out my final blast of tears. “I feel so stupid.”

                “You’re not stupid, just a girl.” He said while laughing. He pushed me away so I was at arm’s length; he wiped my tears away and smiled. “Clementine, I haven’t seen him this happy in forever, he’s not going to let you go I can promise you that.”

                I kissed Maxx on the cheek, “Thank you.”

                We both walked back to the merch table when I was finally calmed down enough and Cody was standing by the table with some fans. I waved to them, but Cody looked angry. I could see pure rage in his eyes. I felt fear in the pit of my stomach as I had only seen him that angry once before and it was at me. I grabbed Maxx’s arm and he stopped.

                “Ow.” he spoke in pain, “What’s wrong?”

                I began to hyperventilate, “Cody’s mad at me.”

                “Calm down, no he’s not. He has no reason to be, why do you say that?” he asked.

                He held me tight to his chest and I whispered into his ear, “Remember our fight we had a few weeks back, where Cody was purely enraged with me?” I felt him shake his head, and I started to talk again, “I can see it in his eyes that he’s angry with me again.”

                “About what?” he asked

                I panicked, “I don’t know that’s what I’m afraid of.”

                “I’m going to go back to the merch table, how about you go back to the bandwagon and relax, I’ll talk to him, okay?” he asked, and I shook my head, “I’m sure he’s just annoyed with a fan.”

                I sighed, “I sure as hell hope so, because I can sense that we may have a fight, and nothing like a playful one, a real one. Something we haven’t done in weeks.”

                “Everything will be okay, go relax get out of the sun for a bit.” He replied as he walked away.

                I did as he said and I walked back to the bandwagon, once I was on it I lay back onto the couch and started to remember the fight Cody and I had not so long ago. I knew I didn’t want to remember it, I was the worst moment on Warped Tour that we both had. I didn’t want to remember it anymore now that we were getting along. I sighed as the memory flooded my mind.

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