Chapter 12

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Friday past and it was officially Saturday night. I have never been more nervous about anything in my whole life. But I pushed that thought aside and continued to get ready.

Axel already left to go to the party. He told my parents that he wasn't feeling too good and that he was going to go straight to bed. They believed this obviously. As for I, I told them I had to stay up all night and work on my math packet.

I've learned over the past week that with Axel's mom dating my dad, they don't pay too much mind to us. Which of course has its ups and downs.

I put on my hoop earrings and slipped on my black carry-on flats and held on tight to my black heels. I stared at myself in the mirror and accepted my attire. I had loose curls in my hair and light makeup applied to my face. I grabbed a tiny shoulder sling bag, and was officially ready.

I opened my bedroom window and stared down at the ground. I was two stories up and the only way out was to climb on a tree.

I climbed on the branch and carefully climbed down the trunk of the tree. I got down and brushed the dirt and leaves off of me.

I typed the address into my phone and got the coordinates on Google Maps. It was only a mile away from me, but I had to walk there.

I finally arrived at the house 40 minutes later. I noticed a familiar motorcycle and a bunch of other cars on the grass and in the drive way. The music was blasting and there was already drunk people passed out on the front lawn.

I walked inside and was greeted by the smell of alcohol and sweat. People danced everywhere and with everyone, grinding next to each other and doing inappropriate dances.

I walked in further and found the bar. I sat on a stool and asked the bar tender for a beer. He smiled at me and eyed me up and down. Then gave me a beer. I felt very self conscious.

I got up and walked around for a while. I found Axel talking to someone, but I couldn't see who it was. I was about to walk over to him when I saw him kiss the person he was talking to.

I felt my heart break in two and my stomach drop. I walked right up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He pulled away from the kiss and turned to me. His eyes widened at my presence.

A loud sound of skin colliding with skin could be heard throughout the house. I slapped Axel in his pretty little face. It didn't do much, but it would at least make it red and maybe leave a mark.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I screamed at him.

"Me? What about you? What are you doing here?! I told you to stay home!" He shouted back at me.

"Well guess what, I'm here. And I guess tonight is just full of surprises." I said through my teeth. I began to walk away from him. I felt him grab my wrist and him pull me back to him.

"Emily. Let me explain. Please." He pleased, but I held up my hand for him to shut up.

"No. Axel, let me explain something to you. I thought you were my brother and that you wouldn't hide things from me. Family is built on trust, without trust, we have nothing. So next time you decide to lie to me, just tell it to my face." and with that I stormed off.

I went up stairs and went into a bedroom. I was debating what to do. Maybe I should text Caitlyn or Sarah and see if they can pick me up. Or maybe I should just tell my dad where I was and just except my punishment.

I heard a soft knock at the door. And someone calling my name. I knew who it was but I didn't care. I sat on the bed and crossed my arms.

I heard the door open and foot steps approach me. Axel kneeled down in front of me and stared at me as I stared at anything else. I feared if I even looked at him I would cry.


"Don't." I stated sharply.

"Please." He said. He tried to grab my hands but I pulled away. He let out a sigh. "I am sorry. But I didn't mean for you to see that. It was just to get Julian to come over to me."

"Why? Why did you have to kiss her? For revenge against Julian? To get back at him for something that happened in your childhood? The thing about your past that you won't tell me?" I said, anger in my tone.

"There is a lot of stuff you don't know about me. Things you don't want to hear. Julian is a part of my past, yes. But he threatened to take the one thing I care about in this world away from me. So I got mad and kissed his girl." He explained.

"What did he threaten? Your motorcycle?" Axel chuckled. He shook his head no.


I turned my head sharply at him. I didn't know what I should be felling at the moment but all of the emotions sort of just started to flood into me.

I stared at him for while. Observing his features, to see if he telling the truth or lying.

Without warning Axel's lips came crashing on to mine. The kiss was intense and exciting. I followed his lead and moved my lips to his lips.

I rapped my arms around Axel's neck and he rapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me closer to him, my body fitting perfectly into his.

I stood up and ran my fingers through his hair. We kissed passionately, neither of us wanting to stop.

"Well isn't this sweet." a voice came from behind me. We pulled away and turned to the voice.

Julian stood at the door way. Axel pushed me behind him in a protective manner, just like when we went to the ice cream shop.

"I swear, this is just like one of those cliche romantic chick movies. The bad boy and the good girl fall in love, and live happily ever after." Julian said with a chuckle. "Well sadly, we're not in a movie, and there is no such thing as happily ever after."

"Julian. Don't make me do anything." Axel said sternly.

"Or what? What will you do? You have ruined my life already, what else can you do? Maybe it's time I ruin your life." He said, staring at me when he said it.

"Julian, what happened is not your fault or mine. I didn't mean for anything to happen. It was just an accident." Axel tried to reason with Julian.

"It was all your fault! None of this wouldn't have happened without you and your stupid dad!" He screamed at Axel. Axel's expression hardened.

"Don't you dare talk about my father." He stated with his fists clinched.

"Oh. So I've his a sore spot, huh? I should have known that right? What about Emily? Can I talk about Emily or are you just going to stand there with your knuckles turning purple?" Julian took a step forward, earning a growl like noise from Axel.

"Stay away from her. If I have to I will kill you. Touch her and I cut off your arm." He simply stated.

Julian smirked at Axel. "Oh Axel. She's already mine." That was the last thing he said before he left.

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