Chapter 19

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"Where are we going?" I asked, as I sat on his bike.

"It's a surprise, but I promise, you will love it." He said with a smile.

Axel drove off away from the school. I turned my head back and looked at the shrinking school. I smiled at myself. I was away from there, with Axel, I felt so free. I let go of Axel's torso and placed my hands on his shoulders. I moved my right foot to the seat, then my left.

"Emily, what are you-" he asked, suddenly worried.

"Shhh. I need to focus, or I'm going to fall." I told him, that shut him up.

I was soon trying to balance myself as I stood on his motorcycle. I removed my hands and held them out on either side of me.

"Jack I'm flying!" I screamed at Axel, laughing to myself.

"Did you seriously quote Titanic?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

"Yes. I feel like the king of the world!" I screamed again. Axel laughed at me.

* * *

After our ride, Axel parked in a big field with other cars parked too. I didn't know where we were, but I could hear music in the distance. Both me and Axel got off the motorcycle, but Axel stopped me before I could walk towards the music.

"Close your eyes." He told me.

"Why?" I said with a bored tone.

"Just do it. It's a surprise." I let out a groan and closed my eyes. I felt Axel grab my hand and lead me through the field. Everyone once in a while he would say watch your step or go slow.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" I whined.

"I've told you five times, I'll tell you when you can open your eyes." Axel responded in an annoyed and angry tone.

"I hate surprises." I mumbled to myself, but luckily Axel didn't hear.

"Okay just one more step... And... Okay, now you can open." He said, my hands dropped to my sides and I opened my eyes.

I let out a gasp and looked up.

I was at the fair.

I looked at Axel and didn't bother to warn him, I jumped on top of him and hugged him. We fell to the soft grass laughing.

"Come on! Let's go!" I said I got up and began to jump up and down. Axel got up and laughed at me.

"Alright, alright. Let's get our wrist bands." He said. He took my hand and lead me through the gates. We arrived to a small booth labeled 'Tickets'.

A high school guy with a lot of acne on his face worked there. Axel purchased the wrist bands and the man placed the band around his wrist. The man looked at me and gave me a lustful look. I gave him a look of disgust. Axel took the wristband from him and shot him a warning death glare.

Axel smiled softly at me and rapped the band around my wrist. He lead me to some of the game booths. The first one was a knock down the bottles booth. Axel paid the man and we each got a ball.

Axel went first and missed. I giggled and threw the ball, it knocked them all down so I got to pick a prize. I picked out a giant teddy bear and gave it to Axel.

"Babe, what am I going to do with this?" He asked me.

"Sleep with it. Duh." I said.

"But this makes me look girly." He whined. "Besides, I'd rather sleep with you." He said with a smirk.

I felt my cheeks flush, I dropped my head so he wouldn't see. I looked back up at him and saw him laugh hard as he slung the bear over his shoulder.

"Look I'll make you a deal, I'll keep the bear, only if you go on a scary roller coaster with me." He said. I wasn't afraid of roller coasters, so I decided to go along with his deal.

"Deal." I said.

We played a couple more games and rode some of the smaller rides. Then Axel said it was time for me to ride the scary ride.

We walked to a roller coaster called 'The Tornado.' It was a ride that went up and spun around in a circle as it goes down. Then it goes up again and then turns us upside down and spins as it goes down. Looked like fun.

Axel and I waited in line for at least ten minutes, because it was still a week day and most people were at work or school, it didn't take that long.

We had to put the bear off to the side so we wouldn't lose it on the ride. Then the ride started. I grabbed Axel's hand and I saw him smirk, so I let go of his hand. But he grabbed my hand again and gave it a squeeze.

The ride went up really slow. The view was amazing, you could see past the field of cars and look down at all of the tiny people and tiny homes. When the ride came to a stop I looked at Axel. I mouthed the word 'ready?' And he nodded.

Then the ride spun all the way down, I was already feeling dizzy at the bottom. But the ride wasn't over. We went back up and then stopped again. This time the ride made a clicking noise and we were now upside down. The ride spun around and around until we reached the bottom. The ride clicked and we were soon up right.

Getting off my seat, I stumbled on to Axel. I thought I was going to throw up on him, but I held it down.

"Why don't we go on a more... Calm ride." Axel suggested, seeing my dizziness. I nodded and followed him to the ferris wheel.

We got on and sat down. The ride began to slowly move as we went up. Axel scooted closer to me, putting his arm around me and pulling me close to him.

"Thanks for today. And for what you did back at school." I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"No problem. I'd do anything for you. But if he ever says or does anything to you, you come straight to me, okay?" He said turning to me and being dead serious.

"Okay. I promise." I said. I laid my head on his chest.

"Hey. You never told me what happen to your dad." I realized. After I said it, I realized I was being to straight forward and that I shouldn't have said anything. "Oh, Axel. I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Emily, it's fine. There's not a lot to tell. He was a drug addict and drinker. He abused my mom and me growing up. And he got in a car crash and died." He stated bluntly, but I knew there was sadness behind it.

I rubbed circles in his back, trying to comfort him. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay."

"Yea I know. It was a long time ago." He let out a sigh.

Be both stared off into the sun and watched the clouds roll by. It was so relaxing, just being here with him up here.

"I love you, Emily. I always will and will never stop." He said.

"Axel." I sat up and dropped my head. "I want to say something, but I don't know how your going to react..." I said.

"Oh my god. Your breaking up with me." He said, sadness in his tone. My head shot up. I began to laugh and he stared at me.

"What? No! No, no, no, not that's not it." I said still giggling.

"Then what is it?" He said, nervousness in his tone.

"Axel... I- I think I love you." I said with a smile.

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