Chapter 22

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Monday morning had me beat. I finally got out of bed and got ready for the day ahead. I put on my green day band t-shirt and ripped light blue jeans with my black combat boots. I left my hair down and just brushed it down. I grabbed my bag, said good bye to my mother, grabbed a orange, and left for school.

I decided to talk to Axel today. Try to straighten things out. I had to figure out how to tell Axel, without actually telling Axel what happened at the fair. And hopefully he would get rid of his 'girlfriend' and we can be together again.

Walking into school I spotted Sarah talking to Dominick in the hallway by their lockers. I walked up to them and greeted them with a morning. Dominick looked surprised to see me, but Sarah knew I was coming in today.

"Emily, where have you been?! We got worried, I tried texting you a million times a day and no one answered!" He said, giving me a tight hug. I patted him on the back and laughed.

"I'm fine. I just took a couple days off." I smiled at him.

"Well good, come on, let's get to class." Dominick said. I followed them down the hallway and to our first class of the day. On my way there I noticed a girl sucking someone's face off with her lips.

I thought about Harley dating Axel. Harley sucking on his face the same way set chills down my spine and a blaze of fire in my heart.

We all walked in to our class and I sat down. I pulled out my text book and began to doodle.

I felt a pair of eyes on me. I turned to my left and saw no one, then I turned to my right. Axel sat in his usual seat and started at me.

I pulled out my phone and opened messages. I texted him and heard his phone go off, but he didn't check it.

I gave him a pleading look and I saw him finally reach for his phone, he didn't take his eyes off me though until he looked at the screen.

I saw his fingers move at the speed of light and felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out and looked at it.

From Emily:
I need to talk to you.

From Axel:
Why? I thought you hated me.

I gave him a look and texted him.

From Emily:
Please. It's important.

From Axel:
What's so important that you can't tell me now?

From Emily:
Axel please. It's really bad and very important. We need to talk when there is no one around.

From Axel:
Fine. Where.

From Emily:
Back of the school. 2:30 don't be late.

From Axel:

I looked up at him and mouthed a thank you. He didn't say anything, he just turned to face the white board. I let out a sigh and also turned to the front.

* * *

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Caitlyn asked me, rubbing circles in my back.

Sarah, Caitlyn, and I sat at out usual lunch table, eating our lunches. I looked around the room to see if I could spot Axel. I did eventually and felt my heart burn to ashes.

Axel sat at the 'popular' table with Harley, his are rapped around her. I felt like my brain was going to fall to my stomach as I stared at them.

"I've been better. He agreed to let me explain after school, so I must be getting somewhere." I shrugged.

"Hang in there. Once you explain, I know he will understand and take you back." Sarah said, sympathetically.

"I hope your right."

I noticed at the popular table, Harley getting up and leaving Axel. She walked to the lunch line and grabbed a water. She must have noticed me staring, cause she smirked and began to walk over to us.


"Well if it isn't Emily Winter. I can't believe you would give someone as... Hunkalishous as him." She let out a sigh and smirked at me. "I guess I should be thanking you though. He is one hell of a kisser."

I felt my hands clinch the end of the table, fighting the urge to not leap over the table and punch her stupid face.

"Careful, you'll catch flies." She winked and began to walk off. She stopped and turned. "Don't worry, you can have the left overs."

That was it. I stood up and punched the table with my fist and walked around it. I walked up right to her ugly fake face and narrowed my eyes at her.

"You think you deserve a guy like him? Axel is the greatest, I know he might not be the sweet kind of guy you all know. But I didn't get to know the bad guy. I got to know the good guy. "

By now we had everyone's eyes on us. Including Axel's.

"Look I know I was stupid to let him go, but I was trying to protect him. I love him. More than anything in this entire world. I know that I don't deserve him, but he defiantly deserves a lot better than you." I said all up in her face.

"No one deserves better than me. I'm the best. Besides, when I'm done with him, he'll be back for more." she grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

I had enough of her. I punched her right in the nose and watched her fall to the floor and wail in pain. She held her nose and called me every curse word under the sun, but I didn't care. It felt good.

I noticed all of the people staring at me, standing over Harley. I felt uncomfortable and ran out of the cafeteria.

I ran and ran until I was at the back of the school, by the gym. I heard some one call my name and run after me, but I didn't care. I kept running until i could see them anymore.

I let out a sigh and turned around. My heart nearly jumped  out of its chest.

"Hello, kitten." A evil voice sneered.

"Julian." I hissed.

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