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You and Nala are still discussing animalgams when there are three knocks at the front door. No one knocks like that who you know, exept Jacob. You dash downstairs and open the door to see him smiling at you. You open the door and step aside for him to come in and you shut the door behind him.

"You doing anything?" he sounds a little hyper which makes you laugh. "Not exactly, i was just with Nala in my room." You just finish the sentance as he rushes upstairs. He seems as excited as you at the idea of a pet cat. Your pet cat.

You follow and enter your room to find Jacob stroking Nala who is curled up in a cute ball. It seems like theyre having a conversation.
"She is?"
"Mhmm, im sure leopard."
A gasp.
"She seems to like the idea, we've been talking about it."
"Like me then?"
"I guess so, i mean-"

You cut Nala of as you walk in. Jacob turns and gives a smile, as if nothing happened. "So can we go to that cafè you told me about?" Nala.

You look at Jacob, trying to make sence of their conversation. "I was just gonna take Nala out to that new cafè around the corner if you wanna come with?" He takes a step closer and closes your bedroom door. You hate it when he does that.

He's standing about half a meter away trying to catch your gaze but your looking at the floor. He takes a step closer and whispers in your ear, "How long have you known? That your an Animalgam?"

You look him in the eye. "I knew you two were having a conversation!" He steps closer and you step back, your back against the wall. "Dont be scared of me, im just like you." You give a light laugh, "Im not scared." He steps closer, and theres tension in the air. You dont like the fact that hes this close. It makes you want to kiss him and smack him at the same time.

Nala seems pretty happy with the way this is going, lying on her back watching you upside down.

Jacob puts both his hands on your hips and stands over you so there is no space between you. You look up at him since hes slightly taller and he gives you a smile which makes you want to kiss him. He rests his head on yours and looks into your eyes, giving you butterflies in your stomach. You look towards the floor as your cheeks burn a bright red. You feel Jacobs hand lifting your head so your eyes are level with his. And he kisses you.

The Leopard ShifterWhere stories live. Discover now