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You feel slightly cold as you open your eyes. It takes a few seconds for your eyes to adjust. Jacob and Nala are standing to your left. You lift your head and see leopard print. Your in your room. You sit up and turn to Jacob, "How did i get here?" He looks at you with a smile, "I carried you up, duh, how else?" You give him a funny look as you realise the bandage around your leg. Its like hes reading your mind when he says, "You were bleeding quite heavily but you should be fine now. You've been out cold for about an hour and your parents arent home yet, you should be fine before they get home."

You look over to the clock. Its only 4:23pm. Your parents dont get in till around 9ish.

"Nala? Who was that dude? What does he want?" She looks at you with a sad smile, "It was Orion." She looks down and you see the shock as it registers on Jacobs face. "Orion? Like, the eagle Orion?" Nala nods. You look over to Nala and give her a suspicious look. "Orion is the leader of the bird Animalgams. There are five categories. Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Insects and underwater. You should be in the Mammals." You nod, knowing that Leopards are Mammals, who doesnt know that?

Jacob picks up a pair of sissors from the draws next to your bed. Theyre your favourite pair; leopard print obviously. He sits close to you and starts cutting away at the bandage on your right thigh. You gasp when yhere is only a little cut on your leg which makes Jacob smirk, "Your an animalgam for sure. We heal quicker then other humans." You smile as he puts another bandage on your leg.

He helps you stand, and you succeed on your third try. Then walking. Then the stairs. After and hour your moving around fine. You stand on tip-toe and kiss Jacob, he wraps his arms around you and kisses you back, "Thank you." He gives you a smirk, "What for? The kiss or for helping you." You hit his arm lightly and then give a cute smile, like the one you gave Ben earlier, "For both."

You walk over to your bed, you have a slight limp but its only noticable if your looking for it, and sit on the edge. Jacob follows and stands infront of you. You put your legs either side of him and pull him into a hug.

You and Jacob decide to watch TV in your room while you wait for your mam and dad to get back. Your mam gets back first. Your sitting on your bed with Jacobs arm arpind your shoulder when she pops jer head around the door. "Well dont you two look adorable, hm?"

You sit up facing her, "maaaaam." She laughs and motions for a hug. She holds up a bag, "I got you something." You take the bag and sit on your bed as Jacob switches the tv off. You open the bag and pull out a brand new black dress. With a leopard print belt. "I saw it and thought of you and i had to get you it, your dads taking us to that party you wanted to go to tomorrow night."

Jacob moves round the bed so hes on the same said as you. "You mean the party at Bens?" She nods. Jacob scowls. Ben had told everyone he was having a party on Sunday night and he invited pretty much everyone he saw. "Are you going?" you ask him, trying to sound like it wasnt a big deal. "Well i wasnt planning on it but if you sing i could consider coming to the show" he gives you a wink and you roll your eyes. He'd jeaed you song once before when he was standing in your bedroom doorway when you didnt know he was there but other than that youd never sang infront of him. He'd asked you to a few times but you refused.

"Yeah 'cause thats possible."
"Come on babe, you know you want to."
"I dont sing."
"Honey, thats a lie. You sing all the time." You glare at your mam until she puts her hands up in a surrendering way, "Ill...erm...leave you two to it." and she walks out.

"Why wont you sing for me?"
"I dont want to."
Nala sits beside you, "Why not?"
You look down at her, "Nala, I- I dont sing infornt of people."
Jacob puts his arms around you, "We arent people though." You sigh knowing they wont give up, switch the radio on and insert your 'Little Mix Get Weird' CD. You turn to them, "Number 4 or 5?"
"4" Nala says.
"5" Jacob says.
"Both" they say in sinc.
You sigh and press the play button on the CD player.

The Leopard ShifterWhere stories live. Discover now