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It was another sleepless night for me. I thought that after the trial I would sleep better, knowing I didn't have to worry anymore. I was wrong. It was Kalebs foot connecting with my ribs that woke me this time. The kick in the dream making my side hurt even though it was never really touched. I felt antsy and I didn't want to wake Gemma up by tossing and turning. Maybe I should man up and just sleep in one of the guest rooms, it really wasn't fair to her that I woke her up some nights. Right now though, I will settle for some tea and a few chapters of my book. Not bothering to throw on a robe, I get up quietly, grab my book of Gemmas desk and slowly make my way downstairs to the kitchen. No one will be up to see me in my pink polka dot pajama shorts and black tank top anyways.

I'm glad Kaleb got jail time but I can't help feeling like he deserved more. I feel horrible for thinking that but I thought I was going to die, when I could barley keep my eyes open and struggles to stay awake, I feared for my life. I felt like what he did deserved more than three months and a years probation. I'll take it though, because it gives me three months of being able to relax and finally breath without having to look over my shoulder every second. I could use this time to build myself back up and become a stronger person.

I notice a soft light coming from the kitchen and I quickly curse myself for not putting a robe on. Of course there would be someone up at two in the morning. I cross my arms over my chest, well aware that I didn't have a bra on, not that I had much to show but still. I walk into the kitchen, the light over the breakfast nook casting a soft glow around the room, illuminating Harry as he sat at the table scrolling through his phone, a steaming mug in front of him. He's only wearing black athletic shorts, his chest bare and will my eyes to stay focused on his face. Yeah, good luck with that Maci.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask, making my presence known. He jumped slightly and I folded my lips on my mouth to hide my laugh.

"Had to make an important call to some one in LA," he holds up his phone, "could you not sleep?"

I shake my head, "no. Bad dream," I admit, shrugging my shoulders, still keeping my arms crossed over my chest. I'm still standing in the door way when Harry motions to the seat in front of him.

"Would you like some tea?" He stands up, "I can get you a cup?" He walks over to the stove, stopping to grab a mug from the cupboard before turning to look to me for an answer, one he already knew the answer too.

"Please, thank you," I tell him, sitting down the the table. I cross my arms and rest them on the table, still keeping me self covered.

"What was your dream about?" Harry asks, busying himself with pouring me a cup of tea. I found myself watching him, getting lost in the way the muscles in his back flex as he moves, his broad shoulders tapering down to his narrow hips and the way his shorts hung so low, the waist band of his boxer, or briefs, depending on what he wears, was peaking out. I felt my face getting warm and I looked away before he turned around and caught me checking him out.

"Uh, you know, just Kalebs foot connecting my my ribs," I try to joke about it, letting out a half laugh. Harry frowns as he walks over to me, placing a mug of tea on the table in front of me. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Do you have those dreams a lot?" He asks, sitting back down in his seat, letting me catch a glimpse of his tattoos that cover his torso.

"Ever since that night. It's like every time I close my eyes he's there. The events of that night on replay," my voice is quiet, my eyes cast down at my mug as I twirl it around slowly on the table.

"I'm sorry Maci, for everything. You shouldn't have had to go through that," the softness of his voice causes me to look up at him, our eyes connecting the second I do. He looks troubled and sad and I know why.

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