Chapter 04 | Assent

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How did I get here? I was in the marine base a second ago. Now I'm back at the execution grounds. Ah, I'm getting a headache thinking about all the strange things happening.

You massage your temples and sit down cross-legged to wait for the pain and dizziness to disappear. Meanwhile, Zoro seems to be sleep talking. He is sweating and his expression is getting darker by the second. You think it would be better to not let him sleep longer.

"...Wake up."  You aren't sure if you should touch him without permission. He doesn't look like he will wake up like this. You hesitantly place one hand on his shoulder and try to shake him awake. This time, it looks like it's working.

"It is you. The girl who was with the straw-hat guy." His looks are intimidating but you don't think he is scary anymore. "I do not want to be a pirate."

"What? I never asked you to be one," you say confused.

He blinks at you for a few seconds. "My bad. I figured you would ask since you are with him." His gaze turns to the ground.

"Ah, Luffy did say he wants to recruit you. What's so wrong about being a pirate?"

"I am not going to be a bad guy like a pirate."

You take a step forward and raise your head to meet his eyes directly. "Just because of the label pirate they don't have to be bad people. It's the same with the marines. Just because they are supposed to be the good people doesn't mean that there aren't any bad marines. Good people are good people and bad people are bad people. Labels don't mean anything," you explain your mindset. You are unsure if you annoyed the swordsman with your rambling seeing how he isn't responding.

Zoro was puzzled by your sudden lecture and thought about your words. They hold a meaning, but he shakes them off his mind and looks at you again. "That is beside the point. I have other things to do. I made a promise."

If he made a promise with someone, then he should better get out of here and fulfil it.

Something in your brain suddenly clicked. "Ah, the promise! That's right, I almost forgot. After I meet up with them we'll get you out of here." You hastily say and run out of the marine base in the direction of the village.

"Oi! They will kill you for helping me!" He tries to call after you but you were already too far to hear what he shouted. Zoro has no choice but to wait and see what happens.   

You run down the main street, trying to remember the way back to the restaurant. After a while of running, you stop your tracks abruptly.

Going back to the restaurant doesn't make any sense. They should be at the little girl's house. I don't know where her house is, though. I could've thought this one out better.

You sigh and decide to search the village for the two. Soon you run out of patience to look further. The moment you realised you could've freed Zoro yourself, you head back to the marine base.

Fortunately, you could find your way back to the marine base fast. As you climb over the wall you hear a gunshot. The trouble is already starting. You land on the other side and you almost screamed when you saw that Coby was the one who was shot.

"Hold still I'm coming!" You make your way over to him and try to stop the bleeding. With your right hand, you pressure his wound while searching for a handkerchief in your pockets. You were about to tie up his shoulder when you see something peculiar. The bleeding stopped and his wound is almost healed.

How did that happen? The bullet must still be inside, though.

"Run for your life, they are almost here. There is no need to worry about me. They promised me they will set me free after a month if I could survive," Zoro says, disrupting your thoughts.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you. Earlier I found out that smug guy never intended to keep his promise," you explain.

"That's why Luffy-san punched him on your behalf! Because that guy was toying with you!" Coby gets up from the ground. He is panting from the injury.

Good thing Luffy punched him. He really deserved it.

"What did you just say?!" the swordsman stares at Coby and you with wide eyes.

"The navy will never let you three go. Please, after you are set free you have to escape with Luffy-san. As long as you two join forces you can definitely do it. Y/N you have to go with them. You infiltrated the base, they will be after you as well." Coby knees in front of Zoro, hoping he would take his words seriously. He then turns around and looks at you. You nod and give him a reassuring look.

"Surround the base, don't let the guy with the straw-hat escape," a big man with an axe as his right hand commands. "Roronoa Zoro... before my great strength, you're just garbage! Ready the guns!"

Marines surround you in a second. All of them raise their guns and are ready to fire at any given moment. You move your hands to the left side of your belt and grab a hold of your two guns. Even if you were to fire quicker than anyone, you knew you would still be unable to stop every bullet.


The marines fire their guns but before you could shoot, you spot something flying in your direction in the corner of your eye. Rather than something it is someone. Luffy lands in front of you and shields you from the bullets with his body.




"It's no use!" Luffy shouts as the bullets bounce back from his body. He starts laughing at the shocked reactions of the marines and turns back to Zoro to hand him three katanas. You quickly take out your knife to cut the ropes around his arms, setting him free. The swordsman takes all three katanas from Luffy and smirks.

"Rather than to die here, why do I not accede to your request... and become a pirate!"

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