Chapter 31 | Charge

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Within the walls of the Baratie, you appear again. You want to quickly get everyone together to scurry back to Nami. Her condition was unstable and you don't wish to leave her alone for too long.

But your hope to rush back to her as quickly as possible is crushed the moment you see what had occurred. Don Krieg's ship was sliced in half right in front of your eyes. A huge wave shakes the sea restaurants ground, causing you to tumble forward and grab firmly onto a pillar.

What's going on?!

Not too long after, the sea eventually calmed itself. You carefully head out the door, where everyone seems to be gathered. There on the patio, you spot Luffy and Usopp.

"Guys!" You wave both of your arms in the air.

"Y/N? You're here?" Luffy's eyes widen.

"Nami, she-"

"Ran away with all the treasure!" Usopp cuts you off.

"Huh?" You look at him befuddled but when you see Yosaku and Johnny sitting in the corner, you realise they must've told them their side of the story. "It's not like that... She wouldn't betray you."

"That's right!" Luffy states. "And besides, I want her to be our navigator, no matter what!"

You smile at his words. "I'm sure she'll be happy to hear that," you assert. "Let's quickly go after her." You look around, trying to find Zoro, wanting to tell him the news. You catch him standing on the cut ship's rubble and sprint there immediately, not noticing the hawk-eyed man standing in front of him.

"Over here! We have to go!" you run and shout, swinging your arm furiously, trying to get his attention. Only when he does not turn around even after you reach him, you spare the man he is currently talking to a glance.

"Hm?" The Shichibukai Dracule Mihawk gazes down upon you. The moment his eyes land on your belt, an ominously dark shadow covers his eyes. Bereft of any kind of self-control, anger and fury build up inside him. He slowly reaches his hand out for the sword on his back. Zoro takes a stance, readying his swords for the duel.

You take a few steps backwards, not feeling too well about the way he glared at you.


Suddenly Mihawk leaps forward, raising his sword in your direction. In this decisive moment, you couldn't let confusion take over you. Instead, you act upon your instinct, swiftly unsheathing your knife. As you move to shield yourself, a gush a strength flows through your right arm just before the impact. A huge blade in comparison to yours strikes down. Clashing together, you don't even flinch as his golden eyes gaze into yours.

Your guard couldn't be broken. In a moment of hesitation, when he detects your empty and vacant stare, the fortitude advancing his attack begins to waver. At that instance, his mind clears up, no longer clouded by his emotions. He jumps back, distancing himself.

Zoro's head whips back in your direction. Feeling exhausted, the strength in your legs leaves you. Before you fall to the ground, he catches you in his arms.

"Y/N! Are you alright?!" He shakes you as your eyes fall shut. When he notices that you are not going to wake up and that your right arm is hot to the touch, he grits his teeth and growls. "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" he screams at the Shichibukai.

He gently puts you down and picks up all three of his swords. "You crossed a line there," he mutters.

With his signature attack, he charges forward, keeping in mind the promise he made with his childhood friend. To become stronger for her, to become the world's strongest swordsman whose name is famous enough to reach the heavens! All those thoughts bundle up into one: To defeat Dracule Mihawk.

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