|2|» chapter two.

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The sound of loud rap music blared throughout the crowded club as I, along with some of my homeboys, walked in.

It was Saturday, my only day off through the week. I was cherishing it as much as I could since I rarely do anything on my day off.

Myles, Semaj, Dante', and I all walked passed the ladies with short dresses, skirts, and shirts along with the guys who were behind them to get to the bar. Once we got there, it was a few ladies at the bar.

I already knew my guys would entertain them while I on the other hand, wasn't going to because well I'm currently in a relationship as we speak.

"What's your name, cutie?" Semaj asked a brownskin girl who look not interested in anything he had to say. I chuckled and waited until the bartender came to our side.

"What can I get you, handsome?" The bartender, who looked familiar, asked me once she made it to our side.

"Hennessy." I responded as she smiled and grabbed a clean small cup, pouring the alcoholic beverage into it.

"On the house." She winked at me, setting my drink on the counter.

"Preciate it, shawty." I grabbed the cup from off the counter while she wiped down the counter, continuing on with her occupation.

I watched her for a quick second before turning around as I put the cup to my lips. I scoped out the scenery and noticed everyone were spaced out. Myles were around a group of females who were encouraging him to through back shots. It looked like he was almost done with the whole plate of shots.

I shook my head because I already knew I was going to have to drag him to his über once it's time. My eyes wandered on up to the V. I. P section where I saw Semaj tongue dancing with some girl while Dante' grabbed a girl hand, leading her to the backroom.

"Seems like someone's here alone." I looked up to see the bartender in front of me. That gave me a chance to check out her appearance more.

She wore a black lace bralette top with some high waisted black jeans that showed of her little curves along with some sandals. Her hair was pulled into a neat long ponytail that was pulled to the front.

"Nah." I finally responded, setting my now empty glass on the counter.

"Are you sure? Doesn't look like no one is here with you."

I chuckled, holding my head down. "It's anyone, baby."

She tucked in her lips before switching her light weight to her left leg. I looked at the door as more people continue to make their way through.

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