Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


.:1 year later:.
The sun beat down on my skin as I sat down by the beach. My back healed about 2 weeks ago and I've been hanging out with Astrid. We got to know each other, considering the last time I saw her it was when I was, what, 10?
     The waves moved up and down the shore and tickled my toes. (D/N) soon came over and plopped her head down on my lap. Her scales turned to yellow to show that she is happy. "(D/N), can I ask you something?" I said she slightly turned her head so she could look up at me. "Why when Ash talks about Hiccup I get this bad feeling in my heart. It can't be because I like him, right?" I said laying back on the sand looking up at the blue sky. Her scales turned to chartreuse as she slightly turned her head to me in confusion.     
     "Hey, (Y/N)!" A voice yelled. I quickly sat up and (D/N) got off my lap and looked over. She quickly got up and ran over to the person yelling at me. I look the way (D/N) was running and saw that is was my best friend; Hiccup. "I quickly stood up dusting the sand off my butt and walked over to him. "I haven't seen you in like since your back healed." He said scratching the back of his neck. "Yea sorry about that. Anyway thanks for taking care of me. That was really sweet of you." I said hugging him. My face heated up as I pulled away from the hug and looked into his forest green eyes. His cheeks started to get red, too as he stared in to my (e/c) orbs. It's probably just the sun. He was running down here anyway. I thought to myself. "So what are you doing down here." He asked me looking out at the sun that was settling beneath the horizon. "I don't know I just wanted to watch the sunset with Astrid but she said she needed to get her axe fixed and never came after that." I said sitting down on the sand and sticking my toes far enough to the water to when the waves would come up the could tickle my feet. I patted the ground next to me signaling for him to sit next to me. He sat down and started talking again. "Oh yeah. She wasn't telling the complete truth but you know." 
"Wait, she wasn't." I said acting as innocent as I could trying to hide the fury deep inside me. "Heh um yea," he said scratching the back of his neck. "We were going out on a date." He said trying to avert my eyes. Anger boiled inside my veins but I kept it at a minimal. "Oh." I said looking into the sky. I quickly leaned over and gave Hiccup a kiss on the cheek. As my cheeks heated up I quickly said. "That was only because you were taking care of me." I looked over at him and he was smiling he looked back at me and said, "your fine, and your welcome." He said pulling me into a hug.
    As it started to get dark I quickly got tired and decided to lay down. I once again hugged Hiccup and said, "you know you can go now. I'll be up in a sec." I secretly wished that he would stay though. Wait what I thought to myself. "Naw, I'll stay." I want to see something beautiful." He said his face started heating up. "I mean like the sunset." My heart suddenly dropped. I laid my head down on his shoulder and quietly fell into a deep sleep, waiting for morning to arrive.

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