Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Hiccup's POV

(Y/N) and I fly back to Berk. "I have got to talk to dad about this." I say not looking over to her. "Ok." She says her sweet voice ringing through the air. I watch out of the corner of my eye as she lays back on her dragon with her hair spinning around her. I look over at her as she runs a hand through her wind-tangled hair. "Tell me when we get there I'm taking a nap." She says slightly yawning. "Ok." I say looking back to the front. I gotta tell Astrid. I think to myself. If I like (Y/N) I gotta not like Astrid, and I don't I just, ugh. I scream at the top of my lungs and lay back on Toothless. My dragon looks up at me as we flew along. "I'm ok bud." "You ok?" (Y/N) asked me. She whispered something into her (D/T)'s ear and then (D/N) made a whole bunch of noises and grunts to Toothless. I looked forward as (D/N) flew near Toothless. Nothing happened for a minuet or so until a pair of arms wrapped around my torso.  I was startled for a minuet but as I turned around I noticed that it was (Y/N). "Remember I'll always be there for you, Hic." She said burying her head into my back. "And I'll be there for you." I whispered as she fell asleep. I quickly pulled her in front of me and held her as toothless flew back to Berk. I watched as her (H/C) hair blew through the wind. Her face looked as soft as a cloud. "Sleep well." I said and kissed her forehead. She gently smiled and snuggled close to my chest. We then flew off back to our village, back to our home. As we were flying I noticed red stains throughout the back of her shirt. I was curious but I thought I should leave it to Gothi when we get back.

I quickly got off Toothless and woke up (Y/N). "Hey you gotta wake up. We are back at- "I was cut off by her turning to the other side and say, "Hic, please 5 more minutes." "No." I argued and started tickling her. "AHH hahaha!" she yelled and fought back trying to live for a second. "hic-hic-hiccup st-st-stop AHHH!" she yelled falling towards me. I quickly went in for the save and caught her. "T-Thanks" she said stuttering a bit. Faint pink danced across her cheeks as she was... blushing? From me? I pushed my thoughts aside and put her down. "If I remember right we had a deal." I said with a smirk plastered across my face. "Fine." She said. She went behind me and jumped onto my back. She then yelled, "Forward great steed!" I laughed as I walked over to the blacksmith where Stoick and Gobber were. Apparently. "HA-HA-HA! There he is!" "Who finally decided to show up to work with (Y/N) on his back. Yay!" Gobber said acting sarcastic. "Hey!" she said holding onto me. "Ok (Y/N) get down we will resume our deal later." I said as she jumped off my back to help work. "Sorry got held up." I said walking over to my dad, trying to avoid people. "Hey, dad, could I have a word?" I asked him hoping for once in the 20 years I was alive, he would actually listen. "Something you're itching to tell me?" he says. Seriously?! I knew it! I thought to myself. "Ah, not quite the itch you're thinking of, but yes." I said hoping he would listen again. "Ah! Good man! Now, lesson one. A chief's first duty is to his people. So... Forty-one?" he yelled out to the villagers. "Wha—could we just talk in private for—" I said to be cut off from my dad yelling, "Forty—" and he was cut off by one of the villagers yelling, "That's me! That's me! I'm next! Hey, I was ahead of you!" "If we could just talk— "I said trying to get my dad's attention. I looked over to (Y/N) and she was mouthing to me 'go ahead'.  She turned back around in her corner of the shop to keep making her dagger I presume. "Excuse me, I've been here all day!" the villager said coming up to the window, "Okay, okay. I want one of those high seaters, with lots of spike and a big stowage compartment." "Absolutely! You got it, sir!" my dad said to the man and turned around and went over to work on the saddle. "Dad." I said walking pass Grump, Gobber's Hotburple. "Oh, excuse us, Grump." My father said moving pass Grump. "Look can we just talk?" I said hoping he would listen. "Ah! Grump! You let the forge die down again!" Gobber told Grump. (Y/N) walks over to us as Grump light the blacksmith on fire. I slightly scream but I hear other screaming only to see (Y/N)'s shirt is on fire. Gobber quickly pours water onto the fire and (Y/N). She then backs into a wall to hide her back even though it was just the back part of her shirt that burnt off, so in other words, you could only see her back. (A/N- don't get the wrong ideas my Terrible Terrors!) "(Y/N) can I see you back to make sure you're ok?" Gobber says questioning why she wouldn't let anyone see her back. "N-NO!" she yells sitting down on the ground her back facing the wall. "Will we have to do this the hard way?" my father asks her. "N-no b-but you can't t-tell anyone o-ok?" she says slightly crying. WE all nod and she turns around revealing scars and burn marks all over her back. There was also a cut bleeding heavily. So that's what the red stain was from I thought to myself. I then went in front of her and let her lay on me. I stroked her hair as I tried to calm her down. "Come on we will take you to Gothi when we are done talking dad." I said emphasizing the word dad. I got up as (Y/N) stopped crying and Gobber got her a cloak to cover her back. "That's it, Grump. You're going up for adoption!" Gobber yells. "One of these. And this..." my dad said talking to himself. "Ah, Dad— "I said trying to get his attention. "There you go! Go on. Have away." He says. "Yeah but seriously, I really need to tell you about this new land we came across." I said hoping he would listen. "Another one?!" Gobber said. At least he is listening. Fishlegs came into the Blacksmith saying, "Any new dragons?" "We didn't stick around to find out." I answered his question. "These folks weren't particularly friendly." I said. "Oh really? Your Night Fury and Mood Fury didn't bring them cheering to the rooftops?" Gobber said. "No, this was different. Not the standard run-for-the- hills hoo-ha I've come to enjoy. These guys were trappers. Dragon trappers." I said emphasizing the word dragon so they would pay attention. (Y/N) spoke up saying, "You should've seen their fort. All blown apart and stuck in giant spikes of ice. It was weird!" she said listening to the story. "I've never seen anything like it. A-And worst of all, they thought we did it!" I added. "Y'know, you 2 are going to get yourselves in SERIOUS trouble one of these days. Not everyone appreciates this way of life." Gobber said. "Ach, aye. Gobber's right son. Best we keep to our own." My dad said turning on the saw, "Besides, you'll have more important uses for your time. Once we make the big announcement." I turn off the saw, look my dad straight in the eyes and say, "They are building a dragon army. Or-or at least the guy they work for. Ah, "Dargo Bloody-fist" or something." I said seriously trying to remember his name. My dad looks at me with seriousness and a tad bit of fear planted in his eyes. The gang listens to the story and are all in the blacksmith when I look over at them. Tuffnut speaks up saying, "Ill blood his fist with my face if he tries to take my dragon." "Or mine!" Ruffnut agrees. "Urhg, you're a moron." Tuffnut argued at his sister. "A beautiful moron." Fishlegs says. "Yeah." Snotlout agrees. I roll my eyes as Ruffnut groans in disgust. "Bludvist? Drago Bludvist?" my dad says placing his hands on my shoulders. I look back over at him with a shocked expression. I responded with something I thought I'd never say, "Uh, yeah. Wait you know him?"​

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