Chapter 49: The Final Showdown

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Scott and Stiles walk through the halls. "Any news?" Scott asks Stiles, even though they both knew nothing would come up.

"Lizzie just disappeared, man." Stiles sighs. "I don't think she's coming back."

"But she's not dead. Not until I see a body." Scott states as they get to his locker. He opens it and a small piece of paper drifts to the ground. Stiles picks it up curiously as Scott grabs his history textbook. "What is it?"

Stiles shrugs and opens the note, reading it. His eyes widen at the familiar hand writing. "Scott..." Stiles hands the note over and Scott reads it.

Don't trust Crowley -L

"Lizzie." He breathes before the bell rings. He stuffs the note into his bag before both boys head to class.

They sit down, minds buzzing with thoughts about the missing McCall.

"Hello class." Scott looks up, expecting to see Mr. Yukimura. Instead, an older man in a suit walks in. "I'm going to be your substitute teacher for today. You can call me Crowley."

Scott and Stiles glance at each other as Crowley starts the lesson. Both of them think back to the note.

Don't trust Crowley

After class, both boys slowly grab their things. When they make it to the door, Crowley calls out, "Mr. McCall? A word?"

Scott reluctantly goes back to see the classroom empty. "Is something wrong?" Scott asks nervously.

"I just have to tell you that I know where you sister is." His low voice comes out teasingly. "She's with Meg."

"Who's that?" Scott feigns ignorance.

"Come now, Scott. You can trust me." Crowley says. "I just want to know which one of you is the True Alpha. For some reason, I can't figure it out. Maybe it's Meg, maybe it's the angels. But, I don't know. So tell me, Scott. Are you the True Alpha?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Scott growls.

"That's what I thought." Crowley laughs. "You are the werewolf and your sister is the useless one."

Scott clenches his uneven jaw in anger. "Leave her alone."

"Well, that's up to you, Scott." Crowley tells him. "If you meet me with your pack tonight at, lets say 11 at the distillery in the woods, I might be tempted to spare her." Scott glares at the demon. "You can go now."

Scott immediately calls a pack meeting. Everyone but Derek shows up to discuss the plan. "So, the history sub is threatening to hurt Lizzie?" Kira clarifies.

"Yes." Scott nods.

"And what are we going to do?" Malia asks. "He's a demon, right? Can't he kill us all in a second?"

"Well..." Stiles scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Why not just leave her?" Malia questions.

"I'm not leaving my sister for dead." Scott states, concealing his anger.

"No one's leaving Lizzie to get hurt." Stiles affirms, glancing at his new girlfriend. "Remember? We don't leave friends to die?"

"I don't know her." Malia shrugs.

"We're going to the meeting." Scott tells everyone. "I'm gonna save her."

"She doesn't need saving." A familiar voice says. The pack turns to see Meg at the door. "She's perfectly capable of handling herself."

Scott growls and his eyes flash red. "Down puppy." Meg teases. "I'm here to help. Your sister sent me here."

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