Chapter 31 - Kitty

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What doesn't kill you makes you wish it did.

Kayleigh's POV

"No comment!" I yelled as I stepped into the car.

"What is that all about?" Eddie asked as I closed the car door.

"Rumors are filling the whole school." I said, putting on my seatbelt.

"That's too bad." Eddie said.

"Yeah. All I want to do is earn some money at my job. I didn't ask for every stinkin student to be spreading rumors about me." I said.

Eddie smiled. "At least you're a strong young lady." He said.

I smiled. But am I? I thought. Am I?

Jennie's POV

I stepped into Timothy's office and sat down in the chair across from him.

"Jennie?" He asked, looking confused.

"Oh, you don't recognize your partner in crime?" I asked in a baby voice.

Timothy glared at me. "I hope you came here with information, and not just to torture me." He said.

I raised one eyebrow. "And if I didn't?" I asked. "You couldn't get rid of me, I'm the only one who can get close to the victim." I said, smirking.

"I could find another partner." Timothy said.

I sighed and set a file down on his desk, then pushed it towards him. "Well, you won't need to." I said smugly.

Timothy's eyes widened as he looked at the pictures. "These don't bother you the least bit?" He asked.

"What in the world do you mean?" I asked, looking at my fingernails, which were polished a bright shade of red.

"He's kissing other girls... That doesn't make you jealous at all?" Timothy asked, closing the file.

I looked at him, then laughed. "He's my fake boyfriend." I said. "I'm just trying to ruin him. He doesn't mean a thing to me."

"And don't let him." Timothy said.

I glared at him, then stood up. "I messed up one time. Let it go." I warned.

Timothy watched me. "It happened once. Who's to say it won't happen again?" He asked.

My eyes widened and I lunged at Timothy.

Laughing, he caught me. "Good try. I think I'll call you Kitty. Your long fingernails look a lot like claws." He said.

"They can be used as claws too!" I hissed, trying to scratch him.

Timothy laughed again. "Save it for the fight Kitty." He said.

I looked at my watch, and my eyes widened again. "Oh gosh I'm going to be late!" I said, grabbing my bag.

"Well, I suppose you're glad Jack is busy tonight so you can be free." Timothy said.

"How do you know that?" I hissed.

   "You're not the only one who watches the cameras." He replied. "But you are going to be the only one who is going to be late."

   "I'll be back." I hissed.

   "Darn." Timothy whispered as I left the room.

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