Chapter 29.

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I go back home laughing with Justin and Matt. Justin,being the good best friend he is, went to my competition. We won first place and since I was team captain, I got tk keep the trophy. Plus my team basically gave it to me.

"Omg I swear V you are so so awesome!!! Look at this fuckin trophy!!!" Justin says holding the trophy tightly

"Haha it's-" I say but Matt cuts me off

"Well look who's here." Matt says. Justin and I look at where he's looking at and I roll my eyes.

"Come to collect your bags to move out and live with her?" I say and Andrew looks down

"Jeez Logan, you're an asshole. You made V think you like her when you've been flirting with that chick." Justin says and Logan looks down too

"Look V, we've come to apologize" Bella says

"Who said I was mad? I'm not mad. I'm very very sad and very very very hurt." i say and they become even more sad

"Verdana....I'm sorry. I didn't know I was stealing your friends already. I'm sorry for hogging them all the time. Please don't be mad at them, don't hate them. You can hate me all you want but not them. They really love you." Simone says. Fuck why does she have to be so kind

"Stop saying sorry. I'm not mad. Besides I'm used to being replaced." I say with a shrug

"V please don't be sad." Daniel says

"Oh yeah sure I'll just forget that the people I love have replaced me. Yeah sure. Okay. I'll just snap my fingers and none of this happened" I say, snapping my fingers

"Don't try to avoid it and don't try to deny it. You have actually replaced me. In a matter of weeks may I add-" I continue but Logan cuts me off

"V, we love you." Logan says

"Well damn then I must've gotten love all wrong. Apparently it's when you leave someone and replace someone with a person better than this someone. I must be really loved because I've experienced this twice already." I say and Daniel runs a hand through his hair

"V, please don't be difficult..." Drew says

"Look I have put up with all of you talking about or with Simone. I've put up with the pain of being forgetten so now you're gonna feel that too." I say and look at Logan

"To think I actually started falling for you." I say and he looks down

"I thought you'd change." I look at Daniel

"Sorry if I didn't listen to all your stories, all your rants. Oh wait...I did." I say looking at Bella

"You know how Simone helped you to ask Bella to be your girlfriend? Ha do you remember when I helped you make friends, pass school and give you a tour around school?" I say at Chris

"Andrew...Andrew...Andrew. Some brother you are. You hurt me the most honestly." I say looking at Andrew who is already sobbing

"You might want to help YOUR best friends." I say looking at Simone

I look at them one last time. Bella was sobbing, Chris was comforting her but crying as well. Logan had his face in his hands and Daniel is hitting his head repeatedly saying he fucked up again. Andrew was the worst of the all. He was sobbing so much he could barely breathe. He kept saying sorry, he loves me, Don't go...

I take a deep breath and walk out of the house without looking back.

I needed fresh air. It was too suffocating in there. I was suffocated by all the memories...


Short Chapter but hey I updated!!

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