Chapter 36.

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When I woke up I was wrapped up in Daniel's arms. I felt warm and comfortable here so I stayed still. I start think about everything. All my If Only he loved me back wishes have finally come true. So I guess now you can say my If Only's have turned into Finally's.

I know some people don't understand and are probably calling me a cheater for going with Daniel when I went out with Logan. The thing is Logan and I were never a couple. He never asked me. We just went out on some dates and he was kinda like courting me. He never asked me to be his girlfriend. So technically it's not cheating, either way he has Simone now.

I felt Daniel stir a bit and I turn to face him. I boop his nose and he slowly wakes up.

"Am I in heaven??? Cause I see an angel..." He slurs and I laugh

"That was terrible. Please. No. Stop. That was so bad." I say and he grins and kisses my nose

"It's true though." He says and I chuckle

"Come on...We have one more day here and I wanna show you why I really brought you here" He says getting up

"Put on some swimming clothes and bring some extra clothes and yeah. Leave the rest to me." He says

I nod and pick out my clothes (a/n pic of clothes)

I nod and pick out my clothes  (a/n pic of clothes)

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and headed to the bathroom. Once I finished changing I prepared my extra clothes and a towel. I put them all into a bag along with my phone. When I got out of the room Daniel was waiting for me with a bag of his own.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod. He takes my hand and we start walking

After some time we reached to the top of a cliff and below us was a body of water. I looked at Daniel confused and he grins widely

"You know I love you right?" He says and I nod

"I love you so much that I'm not afraid to yell it out loud. I could say it on top of a building so hundreds of people can hear, but I know you don't like the attention" he says


He cups his mouth with his hands and yells on the top of his lungs

"I LOVE YOU V!!!!!"

I laugh and can't help the huge smile on my face. He brought me all the way here, to this island, just to say that. Just to do this. Just to tell the world he loves me.

"And and and guess what" He says


He takes off his shirt leaving his shorts on and walks backwards to the end of the cliff

"I fell for you" he says and backflips off the cliff and into the water. I smile widely shaking my head. This guy is the most adorable dork ever.

I take off my clothes, leaving me in my bikini and dive into the water. When I swim back up he's right in front of me.

"Does that mean you're falling for me too?" He says with a wide grin and I chuckle

"Wrong. I've fallen  for you a long time ago" I say and he smiles widely before kissing me. Once we pull apart for air he leans his forehead on mine

"I can't believe I can do that now." He says and I smile nodding

"I'm sorry that this wasn't the best date though. I know it's pretty unusual but I tried to make it different" He says

"I love this a lot actually. It's different and not just some cheesy going out for dinnee thing and sitting on the grass,watching stars. It's way better." I say and he smiles proudly

"You did this all for me?" I ask and he nods

"I'd do anything for you." He says

"Why?" I ask

"Because you're my everything."


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