Chapter 2

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You slumped back down in your chair as the rest of the class arrived, luckily not many people had seen your telling off. Who did this guy think he was? No one out-sasses you. No one.

Finally you saw Nova and beckoned her to your side, while the class started to chatter you started to tell her about everything that had happened. She started to giggle at you. Getting more pissed off by the minute, mainly by the fact that she was laughing at you, you lost your temper.

'It's not funny!' you grumbled, 'Yes, it is. The Queen of Sarcasm got out sassed, and by a teacher!' she replied hitting your arm. You crossed your arms over your chest and put one foot on your chair so you could rest your chin on your knee.

You looked over at Mr. Fischbach in annoyance, his eyes quickly darted down from your direction on onto his paperwork, he was wearing a half smile. He had heard what Nova said.

Brilliant, just kill me now and have it over with. You put you forehead on your knee hanging your head in shame, this was it, the tantrum had begun.

'Alright class hush now and listen for your names' Mr. Fischbach's booming voice shouted out above all the noise of the class and everyone was silent. He began a register, you looked at your phone and it read 8:24am, are you joking? 3 and a half more hours until lunch. You nudged Nova.

'3 and a half more hours with this guy, I'm gunna scream' you whispered.

'Come on, it's not going to be that bad, I mean he's pretty hot' she giggled again. She always did this, she has a crush on every male she ever sees, especially if they have that 'alternative look'.

'You can't be serious! He only has red hair, that's literally it! What about David, he's more your type' you said in disgust, gesturing to one of your classmates that had snake bites and a sleeve.

'[F/N] [L/N]!' Mr. Fischbach shouted, you jumped and looked at him. He was staring out at the class in search for someone, not knowing that it was your name he was shouting.

'I'm here' you waved with a little fake smile.

'I should have known' he sighed, rolling his eyes 'If you weren't talking maybe you would have heard your name' he said, staring you down. That was it, he's not getting away with it this time, not now that everyone was listening.

'Well, Sir, if you had said it louder I would have heard you' you said, trying to hold back a laugh as the majority of the class allowed theirs to escape. You could see it in his face that he knew he was losing the class to you.

What was that in his eye? Oh no, he's thought of a comeback. You began to lose hope before he even opened his mouth, you could see the half smile that was already plastered on his face.

'Nova, please move over there' he said pointing to an empty space on the 4th row of the room, it seemed like it was miles away from where you were sitting 'We don't need to give the Queen of Sarcasm anymore excuses to show off' he said with a raised eyebrow.

You went red in the face, half from anger half from embarrassment. Nova stood up with her things, muttered a 'Sorry, Sir' and moved to where she was told. You had nothing left to say, you just stared him down.

You refused to break eye contact with him first, his eyes were a delicate brown you'd never seen anything like them before, maybe Nova was right about hi- No! You would not be beaten by him, you broke eye contact first and looked out the window.

He knew he had won this one, but you were thinking of more things to say to annoy him, more things to embarrass him. You were just waiting for the perfect opportunity to rip the shit out of him. 

The New Teacher (Teacher!Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now