Chapter 21

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You hurried your pace to a speed walk, dodging the overhanging trees.

Damn this park, it was bloody huge and  so easy to get lost.

I swear the exit was over here?

You glanced behind you to see the two men were still on your trail, you took a sharp left, going off of the cobbled pathway and through the trees.

The blades of long grass whipped your shins as you began to sprint through the trees, hoping to lose the arseholes that were following you.

You stopped for breath, listening for any sign that they were gone.

There was a momentary silence, all you could hear was the rustling of the wind flowing through the tall trees that hung over your head.

Your calm was interrupted by a loud voice, 'She went this way' he bellowed from behind you.

They were close, you started to walk through the brambles and thorns, trying not to make too much noise.

'There she is!' you heard the shorter one shout, you whipped your head around to see them running towards you.

Your feet worked automatically, dragging you through the damp wood.

You ran as fast as you could but no matter how far you ran, they always seemed to be right behind you.

You stopped in your tracks when there was no more ground to run on.

There was no where to run and nowhere to hide, this was it.

You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder, they dragged your shoulder back so you were facing them.

This guy was big, as in fat and tall, you couldn't see his facial features because he had a scarf around his mouth and a black hood that covered his hair.

It was too dark to even see the colour of his eyes.

'Phone, purse, give it to me' his muffled voice barked, he held out a long combat knife, pointing it directly at your stomach.

His friend next to him was much shorter than him but they wore the same clothes.

You let out a short laugh, taking the mugger by surprise. They often say that you find humour in situations that scare you.

And boy were you scared!

'Now' he bellowed after he figured out that you weren't going to do what he said.

'No' you snapped back. What am I doing? Now is not the time to be sassy.

'Are you stupid?' the shorter one said, drawing your attention to him, when you looked in his direction you saw that something moved behind him.

It was someone else, you hoped it wasn't going to be one of their friends that had decided to join them.

You pretend to look at the environment around you to make it less obvious that you had seen something.

'No where to run, don't even try it sweetheart' the shorter one laughed at you, making you look at him again.

The person behind him had drawn closer, you started to make out a face, you begged it to be Mark, it kind of looked like him but this guy didn't have glasses.


It took a moment for you to realise that it was actually Mark, you had a momentary happiness before you remembered that it was over between you two.

Why would he help me? He hates me.

You found some courage, looking at the taller one that was wielding the knife and saying 'I'm not giving you my stuff', you stepped closer to him making the blade touch your stomach through your top.

The mugger became angry, he quickly grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and held you so your body weight was hanging over the sheer drop that was behind you.

You let out a mild scream out of fright and the mugger raised the knife towards your throat.

'Shut the fuck up before I make it so you won't ever scream again' your confidence had completely disappeared, probably because of the 50 foot drop that lerked below you.

This time you stayed quiet, you glanced towards Mark who was slowly creeping his way through the thorns, trying not to make a sound.

He was looking down at where his feet were going, you were unsure whether he even knew it was you.

'If you're not going to co-operate then we will have to take what we want' the smaller one said nudging the bigger one which made his arm jerk, the blade slightly slid across your neck making a tiny trickle of blood dribble its way down it.

'I haven't got anything, I left my phone at home' you lied, this only made the bigger one smile with a creepy grin, 'Then we'll have to take something else' he said.

'What does that even mean?' you asked, trying to push his weapon wielding hand away from your throat.

The smaller one moved closer to you, you flinched as he came closer, he started to unzip your jacket so you kicked him in the stomach as hard as you could.

He fell to the ground with a thud, you could see that Mark was closer but he still seemed like he was miles away. You were staring at him the whole time trying to send him a message mentally to hurry up and help.

'You will let him undress you, or I'll throw you off of this cliff, do you understand?' the tall one said, this made Mark look up.

For a moment he looked at you but he didn't properly look at you, it was only when his eyes locked with yours did you see the realisation on his face, he looked angry.

Angry at me?

'Do it' you said to him, never breaking eye contact with Mark 'I'm not getting undressed for you arseholes'.

'Then its bye bye' the taller one said, taking the knife away from your throat and leaning you over the edge further.

As if in slow motion he let go of you, you felt the ground under your feet disappear,

You heard a deep yell, it didn't belong to either of the muggers.

You managed to grip into the side of the cliff by holding onto a tree root.

You watched as Mark had charged at the bigger guy, tackling him to the floor, he was punching him in the face over and over, his knuckles were becoming more covered in a scarlet liquid the longer you watched.

'Mark' you called as you felt the root start to slip out of your grip.

He looked over at you, you hardly recognised him, there was blood splattered all over his face.

He ran to where you were and squatted slightly, not immediately helping you up, you thought he was going to let you drop.

He shook his head and clung onto you, dragging your body toward his as he lifted you up into the solid ground.

'Its okay, I've got you now' he comforted you, until someone pulled him away from you, you could only watch as the smaller guy threw Mark to the ground.

He then turned to you, pointing a gun towards your small figure. You froze on the spot.

'Where were we' he smiled creepily, he grabbed you quickly when he heard Mark coming towards you.

The mugger put the barrel of the gun towards your head, threatening Mark with a 'Take one step and ill shoot'.

He mugger then turned the gun onto Mark, using his free hand to try and undress you. You felt sick, your body wiggled against every touch, trying to get free.

Mark's expression looked territorial, he was going to rip this guys head off for touching you.

His hand caressed your cheek and his thumb brushed over your lip, you took you opportunity and bit it as hard as you could.

The instantly let you go and you ran to Mark who put his arm around you.

The mugger pointed the gun towards the two of you, Mark instinctively started to move in front of you.

The sound of a gun shot echoed through the forest, along with the sound of someone running into the distance.

The New Teacher (Teacher!Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now