Chapter 13

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You waved him a goodbye with a big smile plastered on your face, break went by so quickly because of the amount of thoughts that flew through your mind, not all of them completely safe for work.

You sped back to class as soon as 11:30am hit, you tried to make it look as inconspicuous as possible, but Nova seemed to notice.

'What's the rush?' she asked you, you tried to think of the first thing that came to your head but failed, luckily she made an excuse for you.

'Are you trying to get away from Jack?' she said, a bit annoyed 'No, it's just um..' you couldn't think 'It's just a bit..' you tried to say.

'He's been talking about you all day, you could at least acknowledge his existence' she snapped at you.

'Woah, why are you getting so pissy with me for? If it's worth anything, I didn't abandon you at a nightclub and not bother to tell you where I went!' you stopped in your tracks staring at her, waiting for a response.

Jack accidentally bumped in to you because of your out of the blue need to slam the breaks on, you never broke eye contact with Nova, you couldn't understand why she was being so moody with you.

'I just think you need to be considerate of other people's feelings, Y/N' she said, a bit calmer, you both had become completely aware that both Jesse and Jack were listening to your conversation so you needed to keep it in code.

Unable to think of what to say, you broke eye contact with her and glanced round at Jesse and Jack, Jack's face practically lit up when you looked at him.

'Come on, we're going to be late' Nova said pulling you along to the classroom, at least she was still trying to save you from some embarrassment . 

Again, another awkward silence filled the air as you made your way back to your History class, you said goodbye to Jesse and Jack, who seemed more confused than anything at the moment.

Mr. Fischbach handed out the tests that you had done, he'd only marked the first section at the moment and he just wanted everyone to know how they had done so far.

You were still pissed off about what Nova had said so you weren't really paying attention until he spoke up.

'Now, I'm sure some of you aren't going to be too happy with that you have so far, so I'm setting up home tutoring in case any of you would like extra lessons' he said, you instantly tuned in to see what else he had to say.

So, I'm not that special then?

 'Will it be with you, Sir?' Lily, the class slag, cooed at him. You and Nova made sick faces at each other before bursting into suppressed giggles.

'No, it wont' he said, you stopped laughing and gave him your full attention.

'But why?' she added, dragging out the 'y' which made her seem like an annoying kid.

He chuckled before saying 'Believe it or not, I have much better things to be doing' he looked at you for a split second, you felt your cheeks turn red.

'No, the tuition will be with Miss Johnson' he said just before the bell rang, he quickly packed up his things while shouting 'I will leave the sign up sheet on my desk through the week if anyone would like help, please return your papers to my mountain of stuff before you leave'

Everyone did as he said, a couple of boys signed up for tuition while muttering 'she's hot' or 'I would'.

Urgh, I hate jocks.

Nova waited for you to pack up your stuff by the door, you began to leave.

'Miss L/N, are you not signing up for tuition?' Mr. Fischbach asked. You looked at Nova, knowing he wanted to talk to you, you gave her a subtle head nod to tell her to go. She seemed very annoyed at you, huffed and walked away.

The New Teacher (Teacher!Markiplier x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن