Chapter 31

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So finally last night I got too sleep....eventually. Well first I obviously had to wait for the doctor which I had to wait another half an hour but he came. it was really quite frightening knowing that tomorrow I might have surgery. he came In, told me the results and walked straight out. it was actually quite embarrassing because brad was snoring and I could hardly hear what the doctor was saying. anyway it all turned out pretty good actually, well as good as it can get. because I don't need an operation. my jaw is fractured and I have to stay over night for a few days but at least I don't need an operation. I feel like a lot of weight has just been lifted off my shoulders. after the doctor explained everything to me and left, Connor, tris and Jess all got too tired and had to go back to the apartment for a rest but they will be back tomorrow. at least I have brad. that's all I can ask for I suppose, it's better than nothing.

But trying to get to sleep isn't as easy as it sounds. I have these people that come into my room every 4 hours just to check up on me but that's not only the problem. I have to share the tiniest, winiest bed in the whole world with a boy that can take up a king size bed, let alone a single. I'm not saying he's fat or anything but he does stretch himself out a lot at night and it's hard to move.

Also it makes it harder to move around in the night because my rib may not be broken but it still bloody hurts. and if I laid on my stomach I would get a shot of pain through my whole body which would make me wake up instantly. it wasn't the best night sleep, I have to say. half way through the night brad tucked his arm around me like a teddy bear which made it even harder to move. and at no point in the night brad would wake up. well until the morning when I just fell asleep.

"Abs?" brad whispered.

"whattt" I whispered.

"Get up!" he whispered louder in my ear.

"Why, do you know how much room you take up in the night!" I asked.

"Oh right....sorry about that. but hurry, your mum said she'd be here at eight thirty and it's 8:27 so I would hurry up" brad said calmly.

"Brad! quick, hurry, don't look like you've only just woke up! get out of the bed hurryyyy" I demanded.

"Ok, fine don't panic!" he said before getting out of the very uncomfortable bed and sitting on the arm chair.

"How did you sleep?" I asked, I generally want to know. I'm not trying trying to start a conversation or anything.

"It was very uncomfortable to be honest" he said.

"You seemed to sleep alright though, would you like to know about my jaw" I guess I kind of snapped at him but I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way.

"I'm really sorry. I completely forgot and of course I would I was so worried"

"Well don't worry, it's all good. I just have to stay here a few more days so they can keep an eye on me"

"I'm so happy for you abbie!" he said before jumping out of his seat and bear hugging me.

"Ow, brad my chest!" I screamed.

"Oh my god abbie I'm so sorry I completely forgot." He said before rubbing my stomach as if I'm pregnant or something!

"Brad I'm not pregnant you know, you don't have to rub my stomach."

"Oh right sorry." that's all he said before sitting back down on the chair.

"Can you do me a favour" I asked him.

"Yeah of course, what is it?" He said before standing up.

"Can you get me some breakfast. I can't stand the breakfast here!" I asked....well more like begged.

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