Chapter 37

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There's three reasons why I did no way want abbie to go back to my apartment.

1) do you know how much I will be harassed by tris,con and James. there will be asking so many questions on 'what we were doing' and it wasn't like that. I just I wanted to watch a film with abbie or go out somewhere....just us two. but no, just my luck. we couldn't.

2) Holly's stuff is still at my house and do you know how weird that will be for abbie? it will be awkward and if I was abbie I know I would be annoyed and angry. also abbie may think that Holly's been staying over for the last few days, which is true but it doesn't seem right to do that to abbie.

3) Holly messed up my room completely and I've only just started cleaning. I may have missed something minor when I told abbie about me and holly. you see when holly broke up with me, she went insane. she started shouting and screaming and even tried to hit me. Weird I know. she came round that day and started questioning everything. she thought abs had been staying round and she was jealous. abbie was not staying round, in fact she has never stayed over but she jumped straight into conclusions. She started going on about how I never liked her and I was just using her to make abbie jealous, which was slightly true, but I never meant for her to get hurt. I didn't know it meant so much to her. She then stormed into my room and grabbed some of her clothes before she started chucking things against walls, knocking things over, kicking things whilst I just sat there like a stunned statue. I didn't even do anything about it. she stormed out the apartment and because the rest of the boys were out, I was left to clean everything up. I've been cleaning for ages but it doesn't seem to be getting any better. she did a lot of damage and I'm never going to be able to forgive her.

Anyway, I know what your thinking. Why did I only kiss Abbie's forehead? I was questioning myself too, if I'm completely honest. I don't know. It was a last minute decision I guess.

Let me say this now. Abbie's hugs are the most comforting thing ever. I could hug her all day if I could. when I walked away, I turned around slightly and Abbie's mouth was wide open and she was just staring into space....once again. I felt quite bad.

Once I walked back inside it was hectic. they were all playing twister until I walked in. No because once I walked in they stopped what they were doing and all eyes were on me. they were staring for what felt like forever but when I turned around. they weren' looking at me at all. they were looking at abbie. she looked so disappointed. her eyes lost there normal glow and it looked as If she had a tear in her eye. did I do that?

"What. did. you. do?" Jess growled.

"I did nothing. please don't hurt me" I shouted putting my hands in surrender.

"Have you seen her?!" James shouted back.

Yes James. I have. Oh god I need to sort this out. I didn't mean to upset her!

"come on abbie" I said as I walked towards her. he face brightened up again and she started blushing? I have no idea why but it was cute.

"Where?" she asked.

"Back to my apartment"

As much as I didn't want to go back to my apartment. I know it will make abbie happy and anything is better than seeing abbie upset.

I know as soon as I said that, I had made the complete wrong decision and as tris always does, started ooooing and laughing. Abbie's cheeks were like a tomato. well so were mine but it was cute on abbie.

I'm guessing it was a good thing because abbie stood up and put her shoes on. Success right there.

What's going to happen when she sees what state the apartments in?

HOLLYS CLOTHES!!! oh my god! I forgot about them. Wait the clothes are in the bedroom and were not going in the bedroom so it's fine.....wait are we. this is so confusing.

"Ready?" I asked her. she simply nodded before waving to everyone and opening the door. I let abbie go first and I turned around to see everyone winking? what's that supposed to mean? I ignored them before walking out the door. It was just about to close but no of course tris had to embarrass us both.


Typical Tristan Evans, there for you. Abbie's face went from a rose to a very very bright tomato. Bless her. then again I'm probably just as red as her.

"Sorry about that" I apologised


"He's embarrassing!" I shouted.

"Oh right. yeah he is" she giggled. the rest of the walk to the apartment was quiet. Not awkwardly silent. I think abbie was scared to speak and I had no idea what to talk about.

Once we got to the apartment. I walked in slowly and abbie followed. she soon realised what had happened inside though.

"What happened in here. did you have a party and didn't invite me?" she asked before giggling again. I think it was a nervous laugh.

"Oh nothing don't worry. and no I did not have a party"

There was no way I could tell her that holly done this. I mean there friends and it would just ruin the friendship between them. I don't want that.

"Ok" she replied sweetly before sitting on the sofa. I sat down next to her, quite closely. I entwine my fingers with her open hand and surprisingly abs doesn't pull away.

I know this is pushing it, but I start to lean in. We are so close now that I can feel her chest rising and falling. she licks her lips slightly then looks at mine. my minty breath fans her beautiful face, I look into her lustful eyes. I know what I'm doing is right, my heart is telling me to carry on, so I do.

Once our lips connected I felt fireworks instantly. our lips where like two puzzle pieces being joined together. We both moved in sync, slowly but passionately. I put my warm hands on her cheeks and abs tied her arms around my neck, pulling my face closer to hers to deepen the kiss. This side of Abbie I have never witnessed before, but I like it.

I put my right hand on her thigh and rub it slowly. she runs her tongue over my bottom lip and I don't decline. both of our tongues fight each other for a while before abs tugs on my brown curls. her action causes me to moan and I can feel her smiling against my lips.

Well, guess what? two can play that game.

I roughly nibble on her bottom lip, causing her to moan this time, and I smile. I put the hand that was previously touching her thigh, on the arm of the sofa behind her. This makes my body weight slowly push her down, so she's laying on her back. My plan works, so I'm now hovering above her however our lips are still locked together.

We have another tongue fight and I can feel abs playing with the hem at the bottom of my t-shirt. I really want this to go further, but I can't do that to abs. we aren't even a couple yet so I know that if we carry on and, you know? then I know we did it because of lust, and not because we love each other.

Although I want to stop, my body and mind are telling me to carry on. I let her take off my top, as she pulls it over my head I can sense that abs is admiring my toned torso. it's not as great as James', but it's toned I suppose. we take a slight break for air, before I re-connect our lips. There is something about her that makes me want more, but I know I can't. her actions just draw me closer.

Abbie takes off her top, just leaving her in her bra and trousers. that is when I realise that I'm doing the wrong thing. it's wrong because our teenage hormones are telling us to go further and to remove more clothing. however it's not what we both want. I know for a fact that abs wants to loose her virginity to someone who she loves. and from what I know, I'm not that person.


Brad needs to grow some balls and FucK Her right in the pusSY.

aM I rigHT!?

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