6~Roll Of Thunder

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 ~Roll Of Thunder

Tristen P.O.V.

"So you’re telling me you loss control over yourself?" The Beta asked me in a low whisper. His voice was hard and full of authority and a little bit of anger. He was mad and it was clear in his tone. Just like the rest of the Adas family he had a good poker face.

When I walked into the pack house about an hour ago he looked me dead in the eyes and then continued his conversation with the Alpha. But now I was the reason why the strong wall that he built was slowly falling. He loved his family but Payton and Joshua Adas had a strong farther daughter relationship with each other, you could see it by just looking at them. 

That means no one messes with 'daddy's little girl', no one. If you do you won't be able to see what’s coming at you. If it were in slow motion, you'll be stuck on pause and it'll hit you at full force. 

Like magic, everyone that was once in the room was gone and it was only me and Joshua Adas, the Beta. "Answer me boy or I swear your ass is mine!" he yelled at me with his brown eyes turning a midnight black color. Even though his tone scared me, I didn't flinch. When he asked me what happened to Payton he was already on the edge meaning he knew what happened already but I took it like a man and told him what he already knew. 

Yup, I didn't sugar coat it for him at all and I didn't lie to him about it either. I told him the true and the whole truth. Maybe being honest to him will make me look a little better in his eyes but how wrong was I? Well hopeful in the future when he's not yelling at me he'll have a little more respect for me since I came out and told him the complete truth. "I don't know what happened to me sir. I got mad and said something’s that I wish I could've taken back but she isn't answering her phone for me or her texts." 

I've been trying to call Payton for two days straight but she hasn’t been answering her phone. To tell you the truth I miss her, a lot. Maybe more then I should miss her. Today her mom told me she was sick and I knew it was a lie. But even a sick person can still pick up their phone and talk or text, the only reason why she can't do that is if she's dead or in a coma.

Oh, how I wish that's not the case."I don't blame her, she was pretty upset Saturday and ever since then she has been distant. From her mother, her sister, her brother and me and you’re the one to blame."

I ran my hand through my hair that really needed a cut. "I didn't know my actions or words were going to hurt her that much" I told the Beta. Every since the day we became friends I've never yelled at her, but I yelled at her before we were friends.

"Tristen, it's not how you said it, it's what you said," the Beta spoke with a slight smile on his face, " you spoke your thoughts out loud."

 "My daughter is a strong girl. She can take any insult or profanity that anyone says to her but what you told her was a low blow for any girl to hear. You basically told her that she would never be with anyone meaning she doesn't have a mate." I took in what he told me....I guess that's what I basically said to her when you break things down. I felt this clawing feeling somewhere in my chest and ran my hand through my hair.

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