26~Mocking Laughter

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Chapter 26! So happy! It's my favorite number!

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26~Mocking Laughter

Tristan P.O.V.

"Damn, I knew she always was a pretty girl but...damn, you hit the jackpot Trist" Jackie said as he went through the pictures that Jen sent us of the photo-shoot Payton did three days ago. Today was also the day the magazine came out and of course the first thing that Payton did this morning was find the closet store and brought one. 

I glared at the back of Jackie's head as if it were going to fall off by its self. "Look at her legs nice, long and flawless." He couldn't take is eyes off of the picture as he shuffled through them. "They look smooth too...Tristen are her legs really smooth?" 

Really? Is he really serious? 

Jackie turned around to look at my face and started laughing. "You know I' just teasing you man but Payton does look good I got to admit." He slipped the photos back into the envelope before taking a seat on a chair not too far away. "Did you talk to her?" he said bluntly.




"Come on Trist you can't leave out the details. Clearly your still upset about this and clearly Payton is still in Lala land completely unaware of what you’re going through second by second. Come on Trist, I know something going on between you two. Payton isn’t mark or mated yet, you seem to regret making her into the stunning model that she is. What I’m trying to say is that you’re not happy and you’re walking around like your half dead.”

I was listening to everything that he was saying but I just didn’t want to answer him. Lately things have gotten worse and my wolf is convincing me to mark her. At this point I don’t care anymore… I tell her what’s going on with me and she says she’ll think about it and then completely forget about the situation the next day but now… Now it’s like she teasing me every chance she gets!

“Fine maybe I’ll ask Payton—“Jackie trailed off as if I were going to stop him. Maybe if he did say something she would get it through her head that this situation isn’t going away at all.

We both stayed quiet not saying anything to each other, me working on Jackie engine while he watches me from his seat.

“You know what you could do to make her want you to mark her?”

I stopped my work and place the tool on the side of the car, wiping my hands in on my jeans. “I’m listening.”

“Seduce her. She won’t be able to resist you so why not?”

“Yeah I tried doing that and it doesn’t work out to well.” When I say that I mean I’m not able to pull away with ease and she’s always the one to stop our kissing from getting anywhere else. “My brother suggested that idea to me and she caught on to it pretty fast.”

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