Chapter Seven

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I was busy explaining to Nate what an eukaryotic cell is that I didn't even realize he wasn't paying attention when I went overboard with explaining. I finally looked at Nate to see if he was listening. And of course, he wasn't. Instead, he was staring at the wall in front of him blankly.
I gritted my teeth and pinched his left cheek. Getting back to his conscious, Nate gripped my wrist and glared at me. "Don't pinch me!"
I released his cheek and frowned at him. "You weren't listening, were you?"
"I was!"
"Okay, so what did I just say?"
"Uhh . . ."
"Nate, what topic are we on?"
"Um, trigometry?"
"Wrong," I said as soon as I heard his answer. "First, we're studying science. Second, it's trigonometry, not trigometry. Third, the topic is human biology."
He looked away, huffing, before he mumbled, "I knew that . . ."
"Pay attention! What are you thinking about! There's no hot girl in front of you! Concentrate, damn it!"
"All I have here is a gay nerd that wore a white frilly apron not too long ago—" Nate burst out laughing.
I can't believe he's still not over that topic! I thought, embarrassed. And out of all the aprons in the world, the principal just had to place a frilly apron in a dorm filled with two dudes!
"Just be glad I cooked breakfast for you, you asshole." I frowned.
"While wearing a frilly apron!" Nate laughed while gripping his stomach.
"Stop that! C'mon, Nate, focus! We have a test on Monday," I said.
Nate suddenly stopped, his face twisted in horror as his jaw dropped. I gripped his chin and pushed his jaw back up, making him close his mouth. Lemme guess, he wasn't paying attention in class again.
"WHAT!" he screamed suddenly, making me flinch.
"I-it's your fault that you weren't paying attention!"
"THE TOPIC'S ON HUMAN BIO—" I covered his mouth.
"First of all, stop shouting. Second, no shit, of course it's on human biology! Third, how stupid can you be?"
His eyes narrowed in irritation. I felt a sudden brush of something wet against my palm and immediately withdrew my hand and looked at my palm.
I rubbed my hand against his shirt. "Nate, not cool! That's gross!"
Nate smirked at me. I was questioning myself yet again about why and how I developed such revolting feelings for this discourteous bastard who used to be a cute, innocent kid.
I began remembering the times when I was in elementary school. I was bullied by a couple of kids who were like titans when they stood in front of me. They would call me names and shove me when they walk pass by. And then one day, Nate showed up. He told them not to bully me anymore and vowed to protect me. I still remember every single word that came out of his mouth.
    Don't let them get to you! I'll protect you! Let's be friends from now on!
A smile crawled onto my face. Now look at this bastard. He used to be so innocent, he used to hang out with me, he used to protect me . . . Wasn't this ironic? I was disappointed, even though this happened five years ago. He moved away after a year in elementary school. He might've forgotten about me, replaced me with his other friends, replaced all the moments we had together with the moments he hung out with his other friends. But my feelings for him never changed. They were genuine.
After snapping out of my thoughts, Nate was staring at me with his infamous smirk. "Thinkin' about your boyfriend?"
Future boyfriend, I wanted to correct him as I giggled unintentionally. Well, I wish.
"So it is true! Who is it?" Nate asked, smirk not fading away.
"I don't have a boyfriend, Nate," I answered, turning serious. "Look, let's get back to study—"
"A crush perhaps?" he interrupted, intrigued.
"Stop being nosy, dammit!" I pinched his nose with a pout.
He just laughed and shrugged as he pushed my hand gently, knowing it won't budge from such a gentle push.
I released his nose and picked up a pencil. I pointed the pencil at him, sharp pointy led facing him. He then inched his head back a little and held up both hands in surrender.
"If you don't pay attention, this will go down your throat," I said as I wiggled the pencil.
"All right, fine. I'll listen attentively. But if I were you, and if you were me, my dick will be the one down your throat," he said and smirked.
    Whoa, whoa, what did he just say? I thought to myself. I don't even know if he's gay, bi or straight anymore. I don't even know if he knew what he just said!
I withdrew my arm slowly and placed it down on the table silently. I felt really awkward at this point. This heterosexual bastard just said that if he were me—the tutor scolding me if I were him—he would shove his dick down my throat! This was just fucked up for a straight bastard like him to say that! I could officially say that he's bisexual if he claims that he wasn't joking!
I looked at Nate with a worried expression. He looked at me curiously and began muttering to himself until I began to speak.
"Nate, maybe you should just lie down for a while and come back once you've reflect on what you just said."
"Oh! That was a joke! Chill. But I do appreciate a break," he said with a cheeky grin.
"You know," I paused for a moment, making eye contact with Nate. "I really don't know if you're still straight anymore." I smirked.
"The hell is wrong with you," he said with a chuckled and nudged me lightly. "I'm as straight as a boner."
My face turned red from embarrassment. "You could've just compared it to a pencil!"
"Whatever," he smiled and laughed.
"Seriously . . . Are you like this with your friends too?"
"Me and the gang are all perverts. Of course it's fine."
I sighed and showed him a small smile. "At least you have people that you can get along with."
My smile slowly disappeared as I hung my head low. I began mumbling things about how having friends were great. I could feel Nate's stare with guilt before suddenly feeling a hand placed on my head. I looked up at him with a gloomy face.
Nate grinned at me. "You have me."
My eyes widened. To think that my childhood friend would bully me before and then comfort me like this now was unbelievable. A smile made its way to my face. I felt so happy that I hugged him so suddenly that it shocked him. He then chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.
Thank you for meeting me again, Nate, I thought with a genuine smile as I tightened the hug. I really miss your hugs . . .

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