Chapter 7

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The second class finally got over. It was so boring. My eyes were closing when the teacher was talking and she glared at me so, I had to stay awake. Calculus was never my thing and will never be. I hate it with passion. Finally, it was time for lunch. I was starving. I fall in the always hungry category but, luckily it doesn’t affect my body.

Rachel and Will were already sitting at our table and the rest of us were in the line to get our lunch. Amber was telling me about her date with Liam. Amber always had a thing for Liam; they knew each other since they were 5 or something. So, after so many years Liam had finally asked her out. Amber was so excited, she was jumping around happily.

“Hey.” He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I knew it was Noah. I could tell just by the way he was making me feel. No one had that power but him. I turned around to see Noah smiling broadly at me.

I couldn’t help but smile back. “Hi.” I said and turned around to see Amber, Rosie and Sarah smirking at me. It was just reaching new levels of weirdness. I looked away from them frowning and saw Noah looking at the girls slightly confused.

I just shrugged when he looked at me for an explanation. He spoke again,” Have lunch with me today. I and my friends sit there.” He said pointing at the table full of jocks and cheerleaders. The girls were shooting daggers at me and most of the guys were smirking and checking me out.

I turned up my nose a little. There was no way I was sitting with them. “No. I am sitting with them.” I said pointing towards Amber and Rosie who were in front of us. Noah looked at me confused for a minute or two.

“Why? You don’t want to sit with me?” He asked in a slightly annoyed tone. I want to sit with him but his friends; they are not going to like me. I am not like him.

“I want to sit with you Noah but, not with your friends.” I said apologetically looking at him. His blue eyes met mine and I went blank. I couldn’t see anything besides his deep blue eyes, I was lost. We looked at each other for few seconds.

“Why?” he asked. How can I explain him? But I will have to or he might misunderstand that I don’t want to spent time with him or something.

“I am not like them. To be honest I don’t even like them much. I am sure they feel the same way. Sorry.” I said honestly. I dint feel like lying to him. He is so nice to me and I can’t lie right? Besides I am a terrible liar I always get caught.

“Ya I guess. They are not like you.” He said nodding. He looked little sad. “Maybe I can sit with you then. I f you don’t mind.” He said. Actually it’s a good idea. My friends won’t mind. They are nice people.

“Yeah alright. I don’t mind. And they won’t either. Come on.” I said picking up my tray. He nodded and walked with me to our table. They all stopped talking when we reached. The girls were checking out Noah. I can’t blame them. He looked hot like a model.

“Noah is going to sit with us today.” I said and pulled up a chair next to Will, patting the chair next to me for Noah. He sat down looking a little uncomfortable. Maybe, He thinks they don’t like him or something. They all had been in the same school for years so; I don’t see what the problem is.

“Are you sure you guys don’t mind?” He said looking at each one of them waiting for some reaction. They were quiet. I suppressed a giggle. I can’t believe Noah is feeling uneasy. He is usually so calm, cool and collective about every situation.

Rachel nodded a no but Liam was the one to speak. “No we don’t mind. It’s cool.” He said smiling at Noah and then me. Liam was really sweet. He was a kind of a person who gets along with everyone. I felt Noah relax beside me. He was sitting on the edge of his seat, ready to get up and leave. He shifted and made himself comfortable.

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