Mysterious Voices

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Jack's POV:

Ok... she's alright... she's perfectly fine. She's not mad and she understands the situation. I can't let her think that I'm scared. If she sees that I'm worried then she'll worry and panic. I can't let her panic.
I managed to get her into Baby's room and smacked the button that luckily didn't work this time. Mark let out a victorious shout from over the intercom happily about it not working.
I sighed when nothing happened, letting my tense muscles relax finally as (Y/N) collapsed onto the floor in relief.
"Thank god..." She sighed and Mark spoke up again with a joyful tone in it along with a very relieved undertone, "At least that button didn't work, right? That's something to be thankful for."
"No Mark. It didn't work and I'm extremely grateful," I answered with a joyful voice. (Y/N) smiled happily and just stayed on the floor, chuckling a little at my response. Her body was stretched out lazily and it honestly made me laugh at how cute she looked while doing that.
(Y/N) and Mark let out happy sighs at the same time.
"So Mark. What's that handbook say? Can we leave yet? Because the less time in here the better," (Y/N) asked and looked at the ceiling.
Mark was heard flipping a few pages before answering with an annoyed voice now, "No. It's telling me to ask you to press that shock button again."
Ugh. Not again.
Do I have to? What if this one actually works?!
I hesitantly went back up to the button before smashing it with my fist and looking back at the small girl on the ground, checking for any sign of pain or suffering.
Luckily it didn't seem to do anything to (Y/N).
She was relaxed finally, laying on the ground so that she wouldn't cause any pain in her body as a precaution.
Mark sighed in relief but as he began speaking he was cut off by HAND UNIT.
"There seems to be a power malfunction that's affecting our ability to properly motivate, Baby. Please stand by while I reboot the system. I will be offline momentarily during this process. Various other systems may go offline as well such as security doors, vent locks, and oxygen. Commencing system restart."
"WAIT-!" Mark screamed out into the intercom before all of the power in the entire room cut out and left (Y/N) and I in the dark. I heard (Y/N) gasp in fear and I tried to crouch down to feel around for her on the ground.
But she wasn't there.
She's gone.
What the hell? People don't just disappear! Where is she?
You lost her?
No! She's gotta be around here somewhere. I felt around on the floor until a voice sounded out something that made my blood run cold.
"Motion trigger: Entryway vent. Funtime Auditorium maintenance vent opened. Ballora gallery maintenance vent opened."
Oh god no please no...
No answer.
"(Y/N)? Are you there?"
Still no answer.
Jack. Let me help.
No! I can find her all on my own...
I don't need your help. I don't ever need your help. You'll just try to hurt her. I know it.
A sudden voice spoke softly and I jumped, looking everywhere around me for the source. It'd ripped me from my thoughts and I listened in fear as the thing spoke.
"I do not recognize you. You are new. I remember this... scenario... however... It's a strange thing to want to do. To come here. I'm curious what events would lead a person to want to spend their nights... in a place like this. Willingly."
It was definitely a woman. It sounded so familiar but I can't place my finger on it. Just please god let (Y/N) be safe. I can't see or hear her and it's freaking me out.
"Maybe curiosity...? Maybe ignorance. There is a space under the desk. Someone before you crafted it into a hiding place, and it worked for him. I recommend that you hurry though. You will be safe there. Just try not to make eye contact. It will be over soon. They will lose interest."
The voice stopped and I felt all my stress come back, my right eye burns intensely to where I have to cover it with my palm.
(Y/N)'s missing.
Mark's gone.
Weird voices.
I called for (Y/N) one more time.
I heard coughing, like someone had been strangled, and looked to my left.
I couldn't see the floor so I reached down and felt around, until I found a hand.
Her hand.
"(Y/N)! Thank god... are you ok? What happened," I asked and helped her calm down her vicious coughing before looking at the crawlspace under the desk.
'You will be safe there.'
The person's words echo in my mind and I picked (Y/N) up into my hold. I carefully slipped under the desk and into the crawl space that someone before me made. There was just enough space for me and (Y/N), but she had to sit in my lap so that we could both fit. I saw a metal hinge peaking out of the side of the crawlspace and grabbed it, noticing it moved. I pulled on it until it closed off the space between us and the room so that we were safe.
"(Y/N)? Talk to me..."
"S-Sorry...," She coughed and rested her head on my shoulder, "T-The power turned off and I felt a horrible pounding in my head. I blacked out and as soon as I came to, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I'm ok now..."
That's probably from stress or something.
"At least you're ok. Not sure why we have to be under a desk but hey. Here we are."
My eye hurts still but I ignored it as much as I could, trying to silence a low cackling in the back of my mind.
He's getting closer... I have to suppress... I can't let him hurt her...
"I guess. Thanks for worrying, Jackaboy."
I smiled at her silly nickname before I heard a strange noise from outside of the metal door.
"I think someone is inside."


Finally back to this! Woohoo! I'm so proud of myself.

Hope you enjoyed!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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