Foxy's Room

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Jack's POV:

"Ok guys, the guide says that you need to get into Funtime Foxy's room this time because of, and I quote, 'Due to unforeseen malfunctions form today's shows, your nightly duties will require you to perform maintenance that you may or may not be skilled enough to perform'. So basically you guys need to go into a small room directly across from the entrance so that you can be in the maintenance room. Funtime Freddy should be in there once you get there," Mark explained calmly, attempting to rid our minds of what had just occurred a few minutes ago. His voice sounded unnerved but he was still trying to act like nothing had happened.
"Alright, so is there an explanation as to what we'll be doing to Freddy? No sane person would just walk into a room with him there willingly," (Y/N) points out, not referring to Funtime Freddy but his full name like Mark had.
Are you sure she's stable? Maybe we should go in by ourselves...
Yeah... That might be the smarter plan... I don't think putting her in close proximity to an animatronic is a smart plan right now. Not after that...
I could-
Don't. I don't want you scaring her.
Sometimes, fear is the only way to get people to listen.
I stayed quiet after that comment, tuning back into the conversation at hand.
"So... we have to remove the power source?"
"I guess. The guide says something about a power modulator that Freddy has. It also says that mechanics aren't hired much because of incidents that put them in hospital." Mark responds, sounding worried.
"Alright, here's the plan," I jumped in, stepping next to (Y/N) and placing my hand on her shoulder. She flinched at my touch, looking at me like she was a deer caught in headlights.
I guess she's still jumpy around me because of what happened.
"I'm going to go in there. You stay here-" I pointed at (Y/N) to which I got an offense scoff.
"I am not staying here! I refuse to let you go in there yourself!" She glared at me, voice loud and demanding.
I sighed, trying to to get mad since I knew that she was going to react this way.
"(Y/N). This game is messing with your head. I know it is. It's hard to watch. Please, after that outburst, I'm scared of letting you near the animatronics. What if it happens again?" I put both of my hands on her shoulders to force her to look at me.
"It's no going to! I'm going to be fine!" She complained, staring me in the eyes.
She's not backing down.
I know that, Anti.
You need to let me do this.
I can't...
You have to. She won't listen to you.
I didn't let him take full control, just enough for him to manipulate my voice and cause my right eye to itch and turn green.
"(Y/N). This is not a option. It's a order. You will stay here and let us protect you, Dammit!" Anti yelled back, puffing himself up to look larger, more threatening.
I could feel the cool shadows gathering on our back but I can't see it. I imagine he's showing off a little bit to scare her.
(Y/N) wanted to say something. I could see it in her face, but she held back.
There was silence between us as her shoulders sunk.
I know you feel bad. But this is for her own good ya sad sack of feelings.
I know...
"As much as I hate to admit it... Jack's right. You really should stay here where it's safe," Mark says, breaking the silence. (Y/N) got an angry look on her face and brushed off both of my hands from her shoulders.
"Fine. Just go," She growled passive aggressively, turning away from me and walking across the room.
I pushed Anti back down so that my eyes were normal again and so the shadows behind us were gone.
"Wait- (Y/N)," I tried to coax her back to me, hearing in her voice how angry she was.
"No. You don't want me to help. I get it," she huffed, turning to me for a moment to let me see her angry face.
I don't like that expression on her face.
It makes me feel like I'm hurting her. Right now, I know I am.
It pains me to see how angry she is at this but I can't risk her losing it. I don't want her getting herself hurt because she thinks she can handle something she really can't.
It's not your fault for this.
I know it isn't.
Look, it makes me just as upset to let her out of our sight but this is for her own good.
I know but I still... I still feel so guilty.
Let it go. She'll understand when she has a little time to cool down. Mark's going to be watching over her the entire time.
...but... what if something happens?
Nothing is going to happen, Numbskull.
"Where are you going?" Mark asked softly as we both watched her crawl into the air duct.
"To spend some personal time with Baby," She snapped and crawled away.
Calm down. That room is secure. The only way in or out is that air duct.
But still! What if Baby is in there?!
Idiot. You don't get it do you? (Y/N) and Baby are the same person.
What are you talking about?
The voice, the look, the weird connections she feels with those things. She and Baby's coding must've mixed when she was pulled in. That's why she was found in Baby's room that first night. That voice earlier was Baby's not (Y/N)'s. (Y/N)'s got free will unless the game needs Baby for something. If she's going to be safe in any room here, it's going to be the room of the animatronic that she's merged with.
I see...
I could see that she was seething anger so I chose not to chase after through the vent. Anti's words slowly sinking in.
Mark can see her to be sure she's alright.
"She'll be ok, Jack. I'll keep an eye on her."
"Right... thanks, Mark." I nod and sigh, staring at the vent which (Y/N) crawled into. "If she listens to you. Tell her that I'm sorry for leaving her here..."
"I will. You should hurry though." Mark responded and began to explain what I needed to do.

Damn puppet. Stupid thing kept moving. I about didn't get it.
"Alright, it says that you need to go back through Funtime Foxy's room," Mark informs me so I slink out of the room. The heavy metal box in my hands flashed upon command, leading me through the large auditorium with what little light I have.
"Uh... Jack I hate to be the person to cause panic but... (Y/N)'s missing."
"What?! Where is she?" I yelled, quickly regretting my mistake as I heard something shuffle in the room.
"I don't know. She's just gone! She hadn't come out of Baby's room so that's the last place she could've been!"
"She can't have just-" I flashed the beacon and started to rush through the room. "-disappeared, Mark! There's no way in or out of that room other than the vent!"
I can't see Funtime Foxy anywhere.
Quit moving-!
Anti shouts suddenly but it was too late. A horrifying scream filled the room and the beacon went off, showing Funtime Foxy lurch at me.
"JACK!" Mark yelled, a loud sound of slam from in the room Mark was in. "Who the hell-!"
The feedback of a microphone was heard, sounding like it had been dropped before the audio from Mark's room cut out.
I felt Foxy grab me by the neck and squeeze it tight in the large mechanic hands she had.
"A-Anti! Take-!"
I couldn't finish my request for Anti to take over, hearing him shout profanities as he attempted to save our consciousnesses.
He can't do anything if I'm not conscious.
Stay awake! You have to-!
I felt my head spin, my lack of air becoming really noticeable. My head started to fall back as a black cloud started to fill my head, forcing me to pass out.
The last thing I heard was a soft voice.
Small, gentle, and almost a whisper.
"We're so sorry..."


Ughhhhhhh I'm finally getting this updated!!!! I'm sorry! I had school and holidays to deal with but I'm going to try and start getting back in a regular schedule, I just need some time to get settled down with school.

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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