Fake Voices

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I turned around, pointing my flashlight at the source of the voice.


She sat on some kind of conveyor belt and wasn't moving. Her eyes weren't closed either so I could see that she was awake.

Her head was rolled forward so that she could look at the ground. Guilt, pain, and the scariest of all, anger, were all things I could see in her eyes.

Her eyes... they look glossed over. Glassy.


"(Y/N)... can you hear me...?" I ask softly, seeing the index finger on her right hand twitch.

"Yes... I can...," She responds but her mouth doesn't move.


"I'm not human... they made it so that I can talk through the intercom system here. I don't need such human things like a voice," She responds.

"(Y/N)... Something's wrong... this isn't you-"

Her eyes snapped to me suddenly, fury in them.

"You don't understand, Jack. I'm not like you. I accepted my fate." She growled at me without using her voice.

Anti growled back in my head and I felt my head start hurting. My eye started to itch and I knew exactly what was going on.

Anti not now!

She's not listening to your reason.

Anti took control of my voice, started to yell at the immobilized girl, "(Y/N)this game is fucking with your head!

"It is not."

"Yes it is! You have control over your own actions, Stupid! You're a weak human just like Jack. Now you know how he feels with me inside of him! You're not even letting yourself have control over your body! Fight back damnit! Don't let some stupid game manipulate you. That's MY job. Can you even move?"

She was silent for a moment, a look of recognition go across her face, like she was seeing us for the first time.

"Jack... Anti...," She spoke this time using her real voice, her eyes looking real again. Her eyes started to fill with tears, making me take several steps towards her, "It hurts... I'm sorry...!"

"It's ok. Everything's ok now," I told her and picked up her hand. She responded with a very faint squeeze.

"Jack, something happened... I-I listened to her... She told me she could help... she said you'd be safe-!"

"Shh. It's ok. It doesn't matter now. Come on, let's get out of here," I smile, feeling Anti focusing his energy on the room around us to check the shadows.

I can see (Y/N)'s eyes clearly from up close. She's still pretty clearly under the control of something but I can see that she's trying to fight it.

However, that small flame of resistance was squashed almost as quickly as it appeared. A fearful look entered her face before her body rag dolled again and she wasn't moving again. Her eyes dropping away from us again and she spoke without using her voice again.

"I'm pretending. Remember how I said I could pretend? The cameras are watching. I must be careful not to move. Something bad happened yesterday. Something bad always happens. I don't want it to happen again. There is something bad... inside of me!"

I can't tell if she's taking anymore. She sounds so scared.

"I'm broken. I can't be fixed. I'm going to be taken to the scooping room soon, but it's not going to fix what's wrong with me. What is bad is always left behind. Will you help me?" She asked me, her eyes raising to me a little bit.

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