Chapter 14

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I was mad at her for lying to me. How could she. Does she think I am a fool. Anyone could have easily seen what was going around between the two of them. I came out of her building fuming from inside and left the place soon as I wanted to go as far from them as I could.

I spent the night twisting and turning on my bed as I could not sleep. Thoughts of Sam and Ben together kept haunting me. As if this was not enough to make me sick, I had another major problem to face tomorrow. Julianne was coming and I had to spend time with her. I put an alarm for tomorrow morning one hour prior to Julianne's flight arrival time and tried to sleep but later on got up to stop the alarm before it could ring and slithered to my bathroom to get ready.


The flight arrived on time. I came to pick her up although I totally hated the idea of it. I was sitting at the waiting lobby when I saw her coming out from one of the exit doors. She looked like she just came out of a salon. There was not an inch of fatigue from the travel. She was wearing a formal white knee length dress which had a slit from one side exposing her thighs a bit too much. Her straightened out natural red hair cascaded freely through her shoulders up till her waist. She had painted her face with loads of make up and above all had a plastered smile pasted over it. She had around three suitcases and a handbag with her, definitely much more than what she could be needing for a week's stay. I stood up to greet her as she approached me smiling.

"Hey, darling I was longing to see you", she said hugging me. Then she planted a kiss on my lips rubbing her pink lipstick on mine. She caught me off guard. Before I could retrieve, or stop her, the kiss was over and done. That certainly felt cheap and disgusting! I hardly know her. I mean I am meeting her after years.

"Sweetheart I know I made you wait a lot. But thanks for coming. So, as we discussed we'll go to the seminar first and then to the hotel maybe. Or your place?" She said which again felt more like a command than a question to me.

"We'll go to the seminar and then I'll drop you at the hotel", I kept the reply to the minimum.

"Sure. Anyways I need a little rest before our date tonight. Let's zoom then", she said sliding her arm between mine holding it tightly.

I was not at all comfortable with her gestures. Suddenly I had started missing Sam much more than before. And when did we agree for a date tonight?


The seminar was as boring as Julianne herself. I mean what was the point to make me sit and hear all about the use of Nanotechnology in genetic engineering and medical science. If I had been given a chance I would have made biology an optional subject in primary standard itself.
And to make matters worse she had equally nerd colleague of her who was over enthusiastic about the latest discoveries in stem cell technology, boring me to make every cell of my body sleep with his medical stories. The effect was so strong that I have started thinking in biological terms. 'Make every cell of my body sleep', ewwwww..!

"It was such a nice seminar, isn't it sweetheart?", She asked, of course not actually expecting a reply from me.

I nodded in response anyway. She was sitting on the passenger side of my car next to me. I was hating her company. Especially watching her sitting on the seat where Sam had been sitting yesterday.

"Why did you get a room for me at Park Hyatt, it's so far from your place?" She asked. So she already knows where I live.

"Well it's near to Mom's house. I'm sure you have plans to meet her."

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